PEAR'd - Innovative Community for Entrepreneurs

The entrepreneur spirit all around the world is coming to life, flourishing in it’s full glory. It only makes sense that we’re going to see an increase of websites that want to bring entrepreneurs together, and not just for collaboration or networking. Any idea like this, when executed correctly can prove to be very beneficial for a lot of people!

The PEAR’d team likes to describe themselves as an Entrepreneur Collaboration Network, a place for creative productivity to come together and build amazing things.

PEAR’d is looking to be different by integrating everything into one place, ranging from an integrated social platform to a full-scale project management applications. This all sounds really good, and I’m excited to find out more. The startup was initially launched in February, 2013 – it has now been a year and we’re still waiting for the doors to open.

Though, it seems that the BETA release is approaching quickly and we can expect to receive fresh news soon.

PEAR'd - Entrepreneur Collaboration Network

There are currently five people on the PEAR’d team, at least those that have been made available to the public. Tricia has got more about that on the Hypepotamus blog. I think I like this idea for the network, and I hope to see where it’s going to take us – I wouldn’t mind having a specific place for all my entrepreneurial needs. This could prove to be particularly resourceful if the community wishes to develop itself.

PEAR'd - Who Is It For

The above picture displays who PEAR’d is aimed for and the expected audience to have on the initial launch, looks alright to me, really stoked for it now! I think the best part about this startup is the fact that it wants to allow global access, instead of limit to just one country.

PEAR’d is uniquely different from other social networks because every user also has a complete tool set for online collaboration and project/initiative management all in one location. The network’s aim is to lower the barriers into entrepreneurship by making the discovery of needed talent, resources and support accessible to every current and future entrepreneur.

You can head over to LaunchRock to signup for the beta and latest scoop, I’ve done it already, have you?

I will try to pass the message about this post to the PEAR’d team and see if we can get a response, when is the launch going to happen – haha!