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10 Tips for SEO Managers to Stay on Top of SEO Management



Staying organized when running a household or family can be hard enough on its own. And if after all of that, you can still manage the tasks involved in being an SEO Manager and you have a hodge-podge of disorganization that can drive you truly bonkers. Not to worry though, you can get all of your SEO tasks under control with these 10 tips to stay organized.

1. Update your Calendar

Plan the posting of your content, whether it’s to your blog, website or social media platform. Make sure you space out the creation as well as the posting of your content. Using a content calendar can help you cut down on the time you spend posting and updating the website.

2. Schedule, Schedule, Schedule

Schedule your SEO and your posts. Select the keywords to post a full month ahead of time. By selecting your content in bulk and ahead of time you can focus on other parts of your SEO management.
Use special tools to help you make your social posts. You can use HootSuite, Social Inbox, and even the scheduling tools within Facebook can help you schedule your posts and social activity.

3. Sync across all Devices

One of the most important benefits of being an SEO manager is the ability to work freely from one place or another. However that often means you are working on different devices in different locations. And it can be very frustrating to have information, content or images on one digital device and not on another. The solution is to sync across all devices or to use cloud functionality that comes from tools like the Google Drive or DropBox.
There are also other free apps like Wonderlist and Evernote that can help you keep track of content on different devices.

4. Places to Find Relevant and Trending Content

Figure out what’s trending within your industry. Determine the types of content that draw the most attention. Find the new stories that people like. And how do you do that? By using Google Trends, BuzzSumo and even Quora. These are sites that give you information on the content people look for, the questions they need answers to, and the content that is shared the most online.

5. Get that Inbox Zero Mentality

Many people have found the highest productivity by closing out their Inbox and their social media accounts for hours at a time. For an SEO manager this can be a bit difficult, but you can decide to check email every hour instead of every 15 to 20 minutes. Another tip is to keep your email very organized, placing important details into specific folders.

6. Keep a Dedicated Content and Social Media Folder

In your email it’s important that you keep a dedicated content folder and another for social content. As an SEO manager you are probably signed up to a lot of newsletters, and why not? There is a lot of good information that comes in there. But you want to keep it organized, so you can access it to get ideas and find tools that you can use.

7. Create a Spreadsheet of Assigned Tasks

Minimize the number of tasks you perform yourself by creating a spreadsheet of SEO tasks you outsource. This way you can access information and keep track of the progress of the person completing the project.

8. Use Canva to Make Batches of Digital Images

Canva is a fabulous image editing tool that even the professionals like. Make headers, presentations and infographics ahead of time. You can make images for websites, SEO ad campaigns and social media. Just be sure to add all of the files to one location so you can use them throughout the month.

9. Organize Your Daily windows and Tabs

When you are an SEO manager, it´s more than likely that you have a ton of windows all open at the same time: email, calendar, social streams, tools, post requests and more. Organize it all by keeping your windows and tabs open in a specific order. This way, you´ll get used to them and memorize the order.
You also want to get in the habit of closing out tabs when you don’t need them. If you aren’t careful, you could easily have 30 articles open, selfies, pictures and tons of tabs, which in the end will slow your computer down.

10. Set Time Limits

As SEO managers it can be so easy to get side tracked in the analytics, the social media, web design and more. So you want to set time limits for each task. By setting time limits you can stay focused on the task at hand, but by the same token, not spend too much time on just one task.

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