General Information
Comparative analysis Reversible Logic Engineering Analysis of features and software solutions
The PRIZM core is developed based on the NXT cryptocurrency source codes. The source code for PRIZM is published on GitHub, but not all files are published. It uses the Proof-of-Stake algorithm, the Diffie-Hellman elliptic Curve25519 (ECDH) algorithm, the SHA-256 hash algorithm, and AES-256 symmetric encryption. As an algorithm for forming blocks, Proof-of-Stake (PoS) is used.
The algorithm has the following effects:
- Solved the problem of excessive power consumption
- Minimized costs of system members on node support
- Game theory mathematics contribute to system decentralization
- The average generation time is self-regulating by a floating base target, aiming for a value in the range of 59-60 seconds
The following transaction types are available:
- regular payment (transfer of PRIZM from address to address)
- message (sending text information)
- setting the name / description of the address (publishing text information on the blockchain and creating a data connection with the address)
Details about the type of “Message”. The publication of text or other data, there are subspecies:
- Public message for the recipient
- Encrypted message for the recipient
- AES-256 is encrypted, the key is calculated by ECDH (sender_private_key,
- recipient_public_key)
- Public note for yourself
- Encrypted note for yourself
Within one transaction, subtypes of the “Message” type can be combined in any combination.
Algorithm «Paramining»
A new algorithm for issuing new PRIZM coins and charging them to a virtual address account. Previously, this algorithm was not used in other cryptocurrencies. With an event that changes the balance of the address, the virtual account is reset; PRIZM coins deleted from the virtual account are sent to the owner address from the GENESIS address in the form of real coins. The GENESIS address has a negative balance, the balance module of which is constantly increasing, accurately reflecting the emission of cryptocurrency.
PRIZM coins are credited to the virtual account every second, the amount of charges depends on the personal funds of the address and the amount of personal funds of other addresses associated with the main address.
During the first transaction of the main address to a new address, a connection is created that cannot be destroyed. The links are layered and are stored in the para table of the paraprizm.h2.db database. Coins in the account of linked addresses are considered part of the amount only if the distance between the address for which paramining is calculated and the linked address is less than 88 other addresses.
A new address means an address without a single transaction and the absence of PRIZM coins in the account.
Advantages of the system
- A minimum of transaction types makes the system predictable and reliable, minimizing the number of potentially vulnerable sections of code;
- The variability and ease of integration of arbitrary data into the transaction body provides ample opportunities for using the PRIZM blockchain in distributed applications;
- The ability to integrate arbitrary data facilitates integration with third-party services PRIZM, as it reduces the identification of incoming payments to a simple check, which is much simpler than the methods that have to be used to integrate Bitcoin and its tokens;
- Military-grade encryption standards;
- An innovation that implements emissions in the form of “paramining” is an interesting phenomenon that requires further study;
- Paramining saves energy and facilitates network support, since it does not require expensive equipment for issuing coins, which makes PRIZM more accessible for maintaining its own node compared to Bitcoin, Ethereum and other PoW currencies;
- Emission is fully transferred to ordinary users;
- The probability of an attack of 51 percent (double spending) is much less than that of Bitcoin, due to the excessive cost of the attack (the cost of an attack exceeds the attacker’s potential benefit: you need to buy back half of all existing PRIZM coins);
- When using the web interface of the node to create transactions, the private key is used locally on the user’s machine, all cryptography is duplicated in JavaScript for full work in the browser to avoid transmitting the private key;
- Convenient JSON RPC: you can almost always find a method that allows you to get information of interest.
The resulting system problems
- Static base target problem due to the increase in the volume of circulating PRIZM coins, the total amount of funds generating blocks using the PoS algorithm may go beyond the predetermined limits of the base target, which will lead to a decrease in the average block generation time of fewer than 59 seconds. However, in the course of the study, a deterministic mechanism was discovered that changes the limits of the basic goal to fully compensate for this effect.
- The problem of low attractiveness of site content due to the fact that the issue is created by ordinary users, maintaining your own site is at first glance not as financially attractive as maintaining it for Bitcoin or Ethereum. On the other hand, the cost of maintaining the site is several times less: it does not require a large amount of disk space; it does not require large computing power; it is not necessary to perform constant heavy calculations with energy costs. In general, the absence of emissions in favor of the creator of the block when creating blocks fully offset by low requirements for ownership of the system node, and the commission funds are more than enough to pay back the invested funds. Also, when receiving commissions for creating a block, a trigger is triggered that creates a transaction with paramining to the address of the creator of the block, which avoids commission for an outgoing transaction to activate the trigger.
The problem of the basic goal is solved by regularly changing the basic goal. Once in a certain number of blocks, the target is recalculated in accordance with the current emission in such a way that the mathematical model of the block generation algorithm maintains proportions that ensure uniform generation of blocks and protect the network from double waste attacks and others.
Main questions
- decompilation of the source code of the PrizmEngine.jar file from the prizm-dist- package obtained from
- database analysis prizm_db / paraprizm.h2.db and prizm_db / prizm.h2.db
- monitoring network interactions between nodes in a synthetic environment
- Functionality
It is necessary to answer the questions:
- Why is the class not published?
- What is real class functionality?
The file is obfuscated to prevent uncontrolled creation of hard forks; Obfuscation does not interfere with restoring the abstract model of the class’s functionality based on the code structure:
Class initialization
- Connection to the paraprizm.h2.db database
- Database Integrity Check
- Restore Database Integrity
- Database update
- Public methods of the class and inverse functional:
- popLastBlock – starts reverse calculations for the paraprizm.h2.db database and turns it into the state in which it was 1 block back
- rollbackToBlock – control code for the popLastBlock method
- getBaseTargetStart – returns the nearest height at which the limits of the base target should be updated
- isBaseTargetRegionBegins – answers the question whether the blockchain is at the height of changing the limits of the base target
- calculateBaseTarget – recalculates a new base goal to compensate for the increase in the number of PRIZM coins involved in creating blocks
- getBaseTarget – returns the cached base target for a given height
- convert – converts a transaction to a format for internal computing
- check – creates and validates transactions GENESIS addresses
- canReceive – validates duplicate transactions for a GENESIS address
- getMetrics – returns data about a virtual address account
- getFixedFee – calculates a fixed commission
- private class conducts complex internal calculations
- it is impossible to create hard fork without these calculations
- class interface is transparent
- methods receive only the data that is required for data processing
- no opaque requests to external (unfocused) code
- no suspicious behavior detected
- the code is functional
Innovations and improvements
The PrizmEngine.jar file was decompiled, followed by the construction of maps of the remote, created, and modified logical connections of the methods relative to the NXT code.
The method was applied after obtaining permission from the official representatives of the cryptocurrency.
A comparative analysis of the source code and the database revealed the following changes, code improvements and innovations that are not related to building up external functionality and distinguishing the PRIZM core.
Innovations and optimizations in the PRIZM code base
- A new algorithm for removing obsolete records from the database, the task is divided into small parts, performed in a different order, the performance gain is measured in multiple numbers
- The use of indexes on the used database columns is widely introduced, which speeds up query processing
- The constant value limiting the base target has been replaced by a dynamic
- The dependence of the base target on the current emission is created, which stabilizes the speed of block generation in an environment with a varying volume of PRIZM coins participating in the PoS algorithm
- Reimplemented the transaction request algorithm from the database in which the target address is involved; the new algorithm limits the number of conditions and the amount of data read, which has a beneficial effect on performance
- New mechanism for scheduled blockchain scanning from the GENESIS block;
- New mechanism for checking blocks before real data processing
- Additional verification of transactions before real data processing
- Reduced maximum transaction size by 85% to 1.5 KB
- New mechanism for checking unconfirmed transactions in the database, which starts when the node starts
- New algorithm for checking raw transaction bytes
- New mechanism for creating a self-signed SSL certificate
- Reimplemented queries to the database, the number of conditions and the amount of requested data are limited
- New SSL encryption mechanism using host internal tools
- New mechanism of dynamic fluctuations of the base target
- The average block transaction capacity has increased significantly; network throughput increased in proportion to 85% change in maximum transaction size
- The performance of the blockchain download process and the processing speed of outdated data has increased in multiple values, increasing the overall maximum fault tolerance of the system in the long term
- Replaced mechanisms for working with the database led to multiple reductions in the delay in processing API and P2P requests, to a multiple reductions in the time for block validation and blockchain scanning
- PRIZM is more productive and reliable in the long run than NXT
- The PRIZM core is capable of processing more data without significant performance impact.
- System security is enhanced by multiple additional checks that do not have a noticeable effect on performance
- A number of new checks and validations are performed before the actual data processing begins, eliminates the possibility of deliberate node overload with useless data processing, reduces the load on the disk and network subsystems
- The mechanism for automatically creating an SSL certificate allows users to immediately start using the host they started using the universally accepted HTTPS data encryption protocol, which is especially important for forging addresses because, in order to start the process of creating blocks, it is necessary to transmit the passphrase of the address to the host side via the Internet (to create digital block signatures).
Wrap Up!
- PRIZM is 10 times faster than the first transaction confirmation and hit the blockchain
- PRIZM has 5 times faster transaction acquisition of irreversible status
- More blocks are needed to declare a transaction irreversible, but the high speed of creating blocks means that after 10 minutes the transaction can be considered irreversible. This is an excellent result for the payment of goods and services due to the reduction of the transaction time.
- The more dynamic growth rate
- The maximum rate for the year is much higher than that of Bitcoin, which indicates the positive prospects for further growth.
- Significantly more profitable commissions
- Small commissions minimize losses during the redistribution of funds between controlled addresses and payment for goods and services, favor the further growth in the popularity of cryptocurrencies.
- PRIZM user activity is more than a third of Bitcoin user activity, which is a worthy result, considering that PRIZM is almost a decade younger than Bitcoin.
- The prospect of financial gain through trading is superior to Bitcoin
A stable rate with rare but significant fluctuations up allows you to give a positive forecast regarding the profitability of currency trading. The prospect of financial gain through investment storage
Paramining has created a new niche in the world of cryptofinance, providing the opportunity to profit without the need to engage in trading
PRIZM is positioned as a cryptocurrency payment system. It does not promise distributed applications, smart contracts or tokens, but provides tools for building various add-ons on its basis. The PRIZM kernel does the minimum that it promises, but it does well.
The kernel supports expansion using add-ons, which allows you to extend the functionality of the API and integrate the kernel with complex analytical tools without making changes to the source code and recompiling the kernel; add-ons provide full access to real-time blockchain events. The functionality accrued with add-ons does not lose working capacity when updating the PRIZM kernel version.
The level of optimization of performance and node security shows that the code base is regularly updated and maintained; developers regularly conduct performance analysis and make appropriate modifications. The system is in good technical condition and has been able to function for decades.
PRIZM cryptocurrency is expected to continue to grow in popularity. The tendency to maintain the average rate over the next year will continue. With the further integration of cryptocurrency into various services for trading goods and services, the rate will grow.
Prizm coin is growing rapidly in price and popularity and also available for trading on many popular crypto exchanges in the US, Canada, UK, and Australia.
Prizm – a unique tool I’ve been using for the third year now and I’m happy. Prizm – the best cryptocurrency, you have a private key, you are the full owner of your coins + this is a printing press in your pocket. It is safe, fast, convenient and profitable. I am truly grateful to the Prizm.Prizm development team for make this world a better place.
Crypto-currency PRIZM is easy to use for ordinary users, far from programming and complex technologies. It is widely sprayed among simple people in Russia and other rural-speaking countries. Already now it is used by people as a convenient payment means and will become more popular in the coming decades.
I use #prizm cryptocurrency! it s great coin. Paramining is unique algo for passive income.
Its great news)
At the moment, one of the best investment tools is cryptocurrency PRIZM (PZM) … No need to buy expensive mining equipment. Used PoS-ParaMining. Coins are mined immediately to the wallet.
Thanks for the interesting information, a lot of advantages of the Prizm coin:
And transactions in PRIZM occur within one minute, anywhere in the world, with a minimum commission of 0.5%, but no more than 10 coins! All the merits and do not list immediately. Very interesting work. This is really a coin of the future. Gad to buy until the price is high and many have not yet underestimated this coin. thanks.
PRIZM cryptocurrency it’s a new generation Blockchain technology.
Up to 27 % per month? Its really profit with innovation technology PoS-paramining PRIZM.
PoS Paramining passive income every second.
(ECO-extraction without the cost) for a long time to come. Prizm cryptocurrency is a unique development that takes into account all the errors of cryptocurrencies. When you purchase Prizm coins, you are both an investor and a miner at the same time!
Great technology. The world and technology are evolving.
Anyone who does not use new technologies is a little behind modernity or does not keep up with the times.
When people unite and begin to act in one direction, then synergy is created and the result is many times higher than expectations.
And I also see a good future for our PRIZM coin, thanks to its unique technology. conservation of ecology and accessibility for every person on planet Earth.
I am very glad that you did a blockchain study of PRIZM. And they confirmed that the code is open, everything is accessible and logical. I really like this coin, because it has PoS + ParaMining.
Thank you very much, your work is great, because, i also think that PRIZM is new generation of coins!!!
A complete, reliable analysis of the electronic payment system Prizm and the blockchain system. The next step has been taken – international recognition.
Thank you for the review of PRIZM. You have confirmed my expectations that the coin has a great future. These are new technologies on the market. Coins are generated immediately on a personal wallet.
I believe that they will talk about PRIZM and this is our future, but now everything is just beginning!
Bitcoin, Ethereum, NEO, Ripple, Lightcoin, Monero, Nextcoin, PRIZM – Top 8 cryptocurrencies 2020. blockchain is our future! everything will be on it. prizm crypt – today is generally top! video is a good example! even in a crisis in proof-of-stake technology, we earn cryptocurrency
Prizm also gives every citizen the opportunity to realize the same human opportunities and apply his unrealized human potential in real life.
Good day friend. I started making money and I want you to start. Start investing in a PRIZM coin. She was from not many who is decentralized. There is a generation of coins, also rare.
In PRIZM – absolutely everyone earns without any invitations and qualifications. The currency is mined independently (new coins are being generated) inside your wallet using the Paramaining technology – cost-free eco mining. It is very pleasing that the world crypto community has accepted this coin!
PRIZM (PZM) is a fully decentralized and self — regulated cryptocurrency . A new implementation of the digital currency concept that allows any user to easily and securely store finances or make transactions directly-similar to transferring cash from hand to hand. The key advantage of PRIZM is the unique technology of Pyramining, which is absent in the concept and code of other cryptocurrencies. The Steam mining system is the most perfect tool for promotion and popularization, since it has no analogues in any modern cryptocurrency. The main advantage of Paramining technology is that no network user can interfere with this mechanism and falsify new coins , all users can track the number of coins issued by the system in real time. Now the most profitable and affordable cryptocurrency for everyone is PRIZM. The possibilities offered by this new-generation cryptocurrency are simply limitless.
Good afternoon! Cryptocurrencies PRIZM decentralized. No one will be able to set their own rules. She has paramining, a reward for keeping coins in her wallet. Transaction 60 seconds. Good luck to all.
Investing in prizm is just a fairy tale that is difficult to understand, but you quickly get used to it. Paramining technology is the generation of new coins in your wallet. PRIZM (PZM) is a new generation cryptocurrency, a decentralized, self-regulatory digital currency.
This article is very informative.We found out all the technical parameters of the PRIZM coin. Its feature is a new algorithm premining which is not used in another cryptocurrency.This saves energy and makes it easier to maintain the network, since it does not require expensive hardware to issue coins. PRIZM is the most advanced cryptocurrency.
today in the blockchain cryptocurrency prizm – it allows you to earn money by placing coins on your wallet. this is due to proof-of-stake technology. very interesting stuff! informatively fascinating and most importantly – this is our future! the most interesting cryptocurrency today is prizm with its proof-of-stake paramining technology
Prizm’s uniqueness lies in its ingenious solution – the generation of new coins (Paramining) is separated from the generation of blocks (Forging). This is proprietary PoS + ParaManing technology, unlike thousands of forks, copies and fakes of bitcoin and ethereum. It is this technology that gives complete decentralization and fair participation of each follower in the extraction of new coins – seigniorage.
Cryptocurrency is an excellent tool for transfers and payments. Great investment tool. Cryptocurrency has been recognized by business. Behind her is the economic future. I am sure that in 2020, PRIZM will enter the top 10 cryptocurrencies of the world! This is a decentralized cryptocurrency with new paraming technology! That allows everyone to earn! No hardware costs!
It is great that independent technical experts have sorted out the principles of the PRIZM payment system! As you can see from the publication, the coin has several advantages over other cryptocurrencies, and that’s great!
Prizm (PZM) * Fully self-regulating decentralized digital currency. In essence, this is a new application of the concept of cryptocurrency. The Prizm coin itself is growing rapidly in price, gaining momentum and trading on many exchanges. This is the first currency that enters the international information technology market and has several Russian and foreign patents.
Now there is a real way to make money on the blockchain network using Paramining technology,
on which the cryptocurrency PRIZM works. PRIZM today is the most profitable cryptocurrency. This is the most reliable form of income.
You get a reward for storing your funds in your personal wallet.
PRIZM differs from other cryptocurrencies in its increased security and reliability of transactions.
PRIZM-allows users to store and increase their money using the exclusive PARAMAININGA system. The PRIZM crypto currency is quite well adapted to global financial crises, despite the dependence of the banking system on the currency , PRIZM is a geocintralized currency.
Everything is clear and sensibly conveyed. What are Prizm and where does paramining come from. Explanatory article.
cryptocurrencies expect great success, in particular, the PRIZM coin is very popular
Unique Paramining technology created specifically for Prizm. The average blockchain block generation time takes 59 seconds and does not depend on the number of transactions.
At this time, a profitable decision to store money in cryptocurrency. I chose a PRISM for myself!
Thanks for the interesting PRIZM review article. I think this is really a very promising coin with great growth potential, thanks to the unique paramining technology.
PRIZM has gone global. This is a good sign for the whole community.
Coin PRIZM is a coin of the future, very technological and promising! So unique that its fast-growing rating is understandable! Now it will become a full-fledged payment system at the international level and no negative people will stop it.
I am very glad that I found information about PRIZM in English before seen only in Russian. This suggests that the PRIZM cryptocurrency has entered the international level.
PRIZM is a new generation coin. Its uniqueness is in the PARAMAINING technology. To date, this is the simplest and unique method of investing PRIZM-the coin of the future.
Prizm very quickly conquers the world market and this, of course, pleases. Each user has already felt all the advantages of this coin. Further development will bring even more positive points.
Cryptocurrency is now collapsing and against this background, I prefer to invest in PRIZM, it is more profitable and safe for me to invest
All you have to do is just open your wallet and activate it!
You can build your own structure! Thanks to which you can earn even more!
This is great news! I am investing in a PRIZM coin. Paramining is an additional element to the main process – forging. Its goal is the generation of new coins in the system, adhering to the metrics of mathematical standards and an optimized financial system. According to the developers, this is the best formula for the volume of the increase in the mass of coins, capable of gradually and confidently replacing all existing cryptocurrencies and fiats of the world
PRIZM cryptocurrency is developing rapidly. There are many ways to earn it and very profitable offers for investment. Money can also be earned online using cryptocurrency. PRIZM has very advantageous offers and complete security.
Good day! In PRIZM, I found so many advantages, this is income, this is my favorite living wallet, this is the joy of communicating with people, giving coins you launch an extraordinary power of energy, and the coin’s potential is very good, I believe in it, I know for sure this is our future and the present!!!
It’s time to stop including your money, it’s not clear where. There is a reliable PRIZMsystem.
In it, your money is specifically with you.
Speak clearly, but there is PRIZM, which is the most modern platform for earning. You can not
be afraid for your money, since everything is decentralized and all your money is specifically
with you.
PRIZM is the future. Mining is the last century, since there is already paramining. Every day
your interest is passively dripped to you and your capital is multiplied.
PRIZM cryptocurrency has many properties that its predecessors do not have. One of the important ones is that there are no huge energy costs. Secondly, there is no connection between the creation of blocks in the blockchain and the generation (emissions) of coins. When people understand all the advantages of PRIZM, it will become the most popular cryptocurrency of the planet!
I like the theme of the video. Cryptocurrencies have a future. Especially for those who work on advanced, unique technologies. I have chosen a PRIZM coin. Paramining technology. She gives a decent passive income. Join the PRIZM community of holders.
Prizm cryptocurrency is our future.
therefore, such informative videos will be useful to a large number of people
PRIZM COIN is an excellent investment in the future, passive income, which is generated very easily.
Good afternoon! Cryptocurrencies PRIZM decentralized. No one will be able to set their own rules. She has paramining, a reward for keeping coins in her wallet. Transaction 60 seconds. Good luck to all.
I can say that Prizm gives every person the opportunity,
regardless of age and education, realize their human capabilities
PRIZM cryptocurrency is fundamentally different from other currencies, PRIZM cryptocurrency, thanks to its highly profitable POS-mining, allows you to earn money regardless of price fluctuations. The future PRIZM is a payment system. When there will be a huge number of people using the PRIZM coin, it will be more difficult for speculators to manipulate the exchange rate. That’s why you need to pay attention to PRIZM
Informative article! A new technology that has no analogues in the world of cryptocurrency Prizm (pzm), where everyone can produce coins! Prizm (pzm) offers many features! PRIZM cryptocurrency is easy to use for ordinary users, away from programming and complex technologies.
PRIZM is a new generation cryptocurrency with great prospects. Each network user automatically becomes a miner. I consider now the most profitable version of PRIZM. Those who understand cryptography buy this particular coin. Everyone wants to receive passive income, PRIZM gives such an opportunity. Very profitable data mining technology allows you to earn income every minute. Invest in PRIZM and your earnings will not take long! Thank you Prizm!
Hello, thanks for the info! Information received on time brings money. I’m already switching to passive income. Now I am very pleased with PRIZM. PoS technology. Parameterization is available to everyone.
To be honest, in my opinion, Prizm is undeservedly in the 200+ position in the CoinMarketCap rating
I think it will not be a secret for anyone if PZM is in the top 30 cryptocurrencies, he will receive a share of his well-deserved attention of crypto investors, and is able to quickly get even higher in the ratings and occupy his niche.
Prizm (PZM) is the perfect tool. Which is very convenient for people with business to use. Important criteria when choosing financial instruments: security, convenience, speed of transactions, the cost of transferring funds. The payment system is becoming more popular. This is no longer just a coin or cryptocurrency in the generally accepted sense, but a full-fledged and demanded working tool for conducting Big Business.
Great article! The PRIZM (PZM) coin has a great future! After all, this is a new, unique technology! I have been using this coin for a year now and I really like it!
Goes international PRIZM cryptocurrency.
PRIZM cryptocurrency its new generation Blockchain technology, PoS Paramining passive income every second.
Prizm cryptocurrency is a unique development that takes into account all the errors of cryptocurrencies. When you purchase Prizm coins, you are both an investor and a miner at the same time!
Great article! Coin PRIZM (PZM) has a great future! After all, this is a new, unique technology! I have been using this coin for a year now and I really like it!
Cryptocurrency, the PRIZM of which I am engaged, I have no hassle. This is a personal bank, printing house. Invariable currency. She spends and she returns. Income from 4% to 30% per month or more. No additional equipment is required.
Today, the PRIZM cryptocurrency is relevant. All those who have shown patience and understood the unique! the technology of parameterizing coins in your personal wallet, become satisfied users of this cryptocurrency Exclusive parameterization system on your personal wallet will save you from losses when withdrawing funds. Anyone can install a fake node and also get a prize for confirming the transaction. If you understand this and give an overview of this coin parameterization technology in your personal wallet, thousands of people will be grateful to you!
Prizm is the fairest cryptocurrency in the world. Prism will change the world for the better.
The PRIZM coin is completely different from other cryptocurrencies. This is an instrument of the future. Its rating is growing, the number of exchanges, too. Now it is necessary and important to have such an instrument in your portfolio.
Now there are many cryptocurrencies, but it is PRIZM that is truly decentralized. It is implemented with PoS + paramining technology. This really makes it a leader among all cryptocurrencies.
Prizm ‘is one of the best investment tools. Simple, convenient and accessible for use by any user of this cryptocurrency. For Prizm success and future.
The PRIZM cryptocurrency is now the most reliable, fast and decentralized. Its blockchain, paramining technology is gaining very great popularity. I advise everyone to pay attention to her, who has not encountered her yet
The coin of prisms is one of the fastest growing and current currencies. It will take the world economy to a new level!
PRIZM is a decentralized coin. There are advantages over other cryptocurrencies. PRISM has reached the international level. This is the most profitable and affordable cryptocurrency.
Thanks to the author for the video! What is your attitude to PRIZM cryptocurrency? What do you think? In my opinion, this is the best on the market today, I would really like her to enter the top 10 cryptocurrencies !!!
Cryptocurrency PRIZM is a decentralized cryptocurrency with the function of paramining. I think it is the best of cryptocurrencies, I advise you to pay attention to it
New way to earn money? This is great! I like to learn everything new and profitable. For example, I successfully invest in a unique cryptocurrency PRIZM. You can get up to 20% per month from the wallet Deposit! Mining is going on in the wallet every second, day and night!
Thank you for the video. I believe that the future lies with cryptocurrencies. I use PRIZM myself. Very good conditions and paramining.
PRIZM has a certain mission to change thinking, change approach, views on financial distortions and the unfair situation in the world. And this is the ideological concept of the cryptocurrency of prisms, which fundamentally relies on the innovative PoS + ParaManing technology, which, in turn, makes this ideology possible to BE not in statements but in everyone’s life and everyday life!
PRIZM cryptocurrency has unique technical capabilities. Paramining is an economically attractive technology for ALL users. Yes, the course has now slipped, but the pandemic is temporary, and cryptocurrency is forever. If we consider it is a long investment, then there is no better. It’s my opinion. I trust the coin PRIZM.
Thank you for your usefulness, it is very pleasant to listen to you. I didn’t even think so! Well, for myself, I chose the most profitable tool for making money – this is PRIZM. Now she has a profitable course. And there is a possibility in the near future to reach a good passive income.
Thank you for interesting information about my favorite PRIZM coin! I am Very happy that many people have started to love and appreciate her together with me! It makes my present and will make my future! PRIZM changes the financial component of the standard of living!
Good information about PRIZM cryptocurrency, I like that with this coin you can earn with the help of paramining. I believe that everything will be fine and the PRIZM coin will gain momentum soon and with its help we will survive difficult times.
I agree, today I consider the PRIZM cryptocurrency to be the most perfect. She has both PoS technology and paramining. I think she will be very popular
Most of all, on the cryptocurrency market, I like PRIZM cryptocurrency, so far few people know this coin, but I know that it will be the first in the world because it is unique in technology and has surpassed the entire cryptocurrency in recent years.
PRIZM cryptocurrency is a new patented technology in the digital currency market: Paramining based on the POS protocol. Coins are created immediately to your personal wallet, to which only you have access
The key advantage of PRIZM is the unique technology of Pyramining, which is absent in the concept and code of other cryptocurrencies.This is the first currency that enters the international information technology market and has several Russian and foreign patents.
PRIZM is a decentralized coin. There are advantages over other cryptocurrencies. PRISM has reached the international level. This is the most profitable and affordable cryptocurrency.
Thank you for the interesting information that showed the many advantages of the Prizm coin: transactions in PRIZM occur within 59 seconds to anywhere in the world with a minimum commission of 0.5%, (but not more than 10 coins)! Already, PRIZM is being used by people as a convenient means of payment and will become more popular in the coming decades. This is really a coin of the future. You need to buy until the price is high. It is a pity that many have underestimated this coin.
Hi friends. I urge you to look at the fact that the time has come to earn on technology all the same the 21st century. Already in different ways cryptocurrencies improve the quality of business do not lag behind the times. I would recommend you take a closer look at PRIZM. Blockchain solves many of the problems that we face in everyday life when performing certain operations. it’s like an account book with no chance for scammers. Many Bitcoin problems have been resolved.