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JavaScript is one of the most powerful front-end development technologies around. Today, it has found application in various areas, such as mobile application development, game development and even Internet of Things(IoT). It is backed by a vast and open-source community of developers whose contributions improve the power of JavaScript to a considerable extent. It is quite obvious that there are several talented developers behind this technology whose work has made JavaScript implementation effective and successful.

Today, JavaScript is also a very popular as well as a useful programming language to learn. There are several ways to learn JavaScript language which is shaping the future of technology in its own way. One can opt for e-books, video courses, text tutorials and more. But, there is one more medium to stay updated on everything related to this technology and that is blogs. Today, there are a range of blog tutorials available on the web but I would like to recommend any novice or professional JavaScript developer to follow the blogs of some of the most notable inventors of various JavaScript-related technologies as well as others who have made significant contributions towards the development of JavaScript language. Here, I am trying to give a quick rundown on some of the most popular contributors for the JavaScript programming language whose blogs are really worth following. Some of the names featured on the list are John Resig, Addy Osmani and of course, Brendan Eich.

You can also follow these gentlemen on Twitter or check out their posts on Google+, LinkedIn and such other popular mediums to know more about their current projects as well as their involvement in any other development or educational projects. The list is not in any particular sequence.

10 Popular JavaScript Blogs to Follow

1) Brendan Eich

bredan ench Javascript Blogs
Brendan Eich is the inventor of JavaScript programming language. He invented JavaScript in 1995, while working on a project for Netscape Communications Corporation.  He also later co-founded the Mozilla project and was later promoted to CEO of Mozilla Corporation. His official website contains links to several video talks, blog posts and other important stuff related to web development topics.

2) John Resig

john resig
John Resig is the inventor of the most powerful JavaScript library called jQuery. Working as a developer at Khan Academy, he also contributes to the open-source community with several text and video tutorials through his highly popular blog. John Resig has also authored two major books on learning JavaScript, namely Pro JavaScript Techniques and Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja with Bear Bibeault.

3) Douglas Crockford

douglas croklad
Douglas Crockford is well-known for his contribution towards the development of the JavaScript language. He is also credited for popularizing and developing several JavaScript-related tools, such as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), JSLint and JSMin. Besides, Douglas Crockford is a prolific writer. His official website is worth checking out where one can find links to several useful resources, such as his Google+ blog profile as well as his most famous book on learning JavaScript called as ‘JavaScript: The Good Parts’.

4) David Walsh

david wash
David Walsh is a member of MooTools development team and an expert JavaScript developer. His official website is home to several blog and video tutorials on popular web development topics, including JavaScript, PHP, WordPress development and more.

5) Yehuda Katz

Yehuda Katz is one of the co-creators of EmberJS, which is an open-source JavaScript MVC framework. He is also a core team member of the jQuery development project and has co-authored a popular book called jQuery in Action with Bear Bibeault. His official website is worth checking out where one can find information about his current projects and most importantly, his informative talks and podcasts.

6) Derick Bailey

Derick Bailey is an expert JavaScript Developer and an entrepreneur. He is quite popular for running a series of weekly screencasts called as WatchMeCode, which covers the fundamental aspects of JavaScript development in detail. Besides, he also frequently posts blog tutorials covering various web development topics. You can check out some e-books authored by him on his website, such as Building Backbone Plugins and 5 Rules For Mastering JavaScript’s “This”.

7) Addy Osmani

addy osmani
Addy Osmani is one of the co-creators of Yeoman and also a core team member of the jQuery development project. He has authored two books, namely Learning JavaScript Design Patterns and Developing BackboneJS Applications. Besides, Addy Osmani is an active blogger who frequently publishes posts related to JavaScript development and co-hosts a YouTube show with Matt Grunt called as Totally Tooling Tips.

8) Suz Hinton

Suz Hinton is credited for completing several ambitious projects related to Node.js, JavaScript and the Internet of Things (IoT). Her official blog, Meow Machine, is really worth following. Besides, one can also find links to her public talks at various conferences and her podcast appearances on her official website.

9) Alex Sexton

alex Javascript Blogs
Alex Sexton is one of the core team members working on the Modernizr project and he is also on the jQuery Board of Directors. He is well-known for organizing Texas JavaScript Conference in Austin, Texas. Alex publishes very informative blog posts on various topics related to JavaScript and web development on his website.

10) Axel Rauschmayer

Dr. Alex Rauschmayer is a professional programmer developing web applications since 1995. He has authored 2 books, namely Speaking JavaScript and Exploring ES6. Besides, he maintains a frequently updated blog, publishing interesting posts on various JavaScript concepts.

With that we have come to the end of our list. I hope you enjoyed reading the post. Let me clarify that there are many expert JavaScript developers out there who have immensely contributed towards several open-source JavaScript development projects. Be it in the form of JavaScript plugins, frameworks, libraries or anything else. Not all of them can be featured on the list.

Moreover, I have not included some popular names, such as Jeremy Ashkenas or Paul Irish as they do not blog much frequently. Though, they do contribute in their own way through podcast appearances, live talks or e-books. So, you can add links to those resources as well as any other useful JavaScript blogs worth following in the comments section below to enlighten the readers about it. Thank you.