11 Resources for Building Mobile Apps with HTML5

Back in October 2014, every HTML5 developer out there was super excited for the new standard to be finalized and released. It meant that there was finally a set of rules and regulations to follow, and nobody would need to idolize or argue about what is the correct way of building with HTML5.

These days, we’re seeing a ton of frameworks and resources sprout out from the ground for helping HTML5 developers to build native mobile apps on the fly. The most recent framework that I worked with was Meteor, which helps JavaScript developers to build web applications and automatically launch them as Android and iOS apps as well.

It all happens through PhoneGap, which we will mention shortly. Here’s a nice podcast to check out about building mobile apps, and what it was like to build mobile apps before iOS or Android even existed. And if you’re looking for a market to dominate, perhaps look into Bitcoin and see whether you can apply HTML5 to it.

1. Installable Web Apps with the WebApp Manifest in Chrome for Android

For Web Apps to be successful they need to work how the user would expect an native application to work. The ability for the developer to control how their web app is launched is just one part of UX that needs to be solved. This resource will show you how to configure and deploy the JSON manifest files.

2. Field Guide to Web Applications

In this interactive online book you will be learning about the crucial aspects of building modern and selling web applications that will appeal to the clients and businesses you work with. There’s no shortage of demand for good developers out there, and this field guide will steer you in the right direction when it comes to building cool web apps.

3. Tutorial: Developing a PhoneGap Application

If you want to learn more about PhoneGap and what it does and how it works, then this is a very good starting point for a HTML5 developer of any skill set. PhoneGap is the bridge between a web application and a mobile application, and currently is the leading framework for holding that bridge together, so it’s definitely a must-read tutorial for anyone who’s unaware.

4. Apache Cordova Tutorial

In this tutorial, you will learn strategies and best practices to build native-like mobile applications with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. You will build an Apache Cordova (aka PhoneGap) Employee Directory application from scratch using the Single Page Architecture, HTML templates, touch events, and performance optimization techniques. Expect to learn from not knowing anything to knowing how to create a full-blown single-page application.

5. PhoneGap From Scratch: Introduction

TutsPlus is known for their developer friendly writing and teaching approach, so if the previous tutorial didn’t quite cut it for you, perhaps this one will. Remember to check the comments before you complain about being unable to do something, and also use the search function to look for other tutorials if you need them.

6. Best Practices for a Faster Web App with HTML5

Do you like slow webpages? Didn’t think so. The same goes for slow mobile applications, nobody likes them, and will abandon them very quickly, so unless you want to have your mobile apps forgotten because they’re slow – read-up on this guide on how to optimize for performance and speed that which you’re building with HTML5.

7. Building Mobile Apps with Kendo UI

The Kendo UI mobile framework is designed to help developers build mobile app experiences using HTML and JavaScript that automatically adapt to the native look-and-feel of different mobile platforms. Developers using Kendo UI Mobile can focus on their app’s function and content and let the Kendo UI framework handle differences between platforms like iOS and Android.

8. HTML5: Vibration API

HTML5 has been a breath of fresh air for the web, which hasn’t only affected the web as we know it. HTML5 provides a number of APIs that enable developers to create interactive websites and improve the user experience on mobile devices.

9. HTML5: Battery Status API

The number of people browsing the web using mobile devices grows every day. It’s therefore important to optimize websites and web applications to accommodate mobile visitors. The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) is well aware of this trend and has introduced a number of APIs that help with this challenge.

10. HTML5: Network Information API

The Network Information API enables web applications to access information about the network connection in use by the device. In this article you will learn the ins and outs of using the API within your mobile apps.

11. Build Mobile Apps with Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch was the first HTML5 mobile JavaScript framework for web applications that feel native on Android, BlackBerry, and iOS. Our extensive tutorials, screencasts and resources are a great way to learn the framework.


These really are just a couple of resources that you’re going to find on the subject, but they’re definitely the ones that you should be fully aware of if you’re going to be building professional mobile apps for companies and clients alike. We’re seeing a bit of a revolution in this particular market, as frameworks such as React make their way through.

What resources would you add to this list?