Welcome to the Jan. 20 – Jan. 25, 2014 issue of Weekly Online Marketing Roundup. The idea came to me spontaneously, and after doing quick research – I couldn’t find anything similar, nothing that would be updated on consistent basis, or have new content that is released throughout the according week. I’ve taken this in my own hands, and I hope to make the best of it.

You’ll know that weekly roundup has arrived by seeing the image of New York city busy streets. I think we can all admit that online marketing is a pretty busy street, with a lot of corner shops to choose from!

Please get in touch through the contact page to send me your weekly suggestions, or simply tweet them to me @skillcode.

This roundup takes a ‘little’ bit of time to put together, I’d appreciate if you could share it or pass it on to your friends if you found it useful, engaging or simply interesting. Thank you!

This week started off pretty intense for some marketers, the knife was thrown and it unfortunately landed straight in the heart of guest blogging. Head over to MC Headquarters to find out more!

It means nothing more than to keep an eye out for who you let to guest blog on your blog, and who you want to guest blog for! You need to decide on doing it for the links or do it for growth and establishing your brand name.

I will not conclude the post with anything, so from this point on – you’re on your own. I believe you might have seen some of these articles already, throughout the week – but maybe some are new and catch your attention. I have no doubt in my mind that as the time goes by, the quality of these roundups will strive and I am encouraging you to leave me feedback, on how-to improve and assert these roundups for the best possible experience.

Top 10 Ways to Generate More Leads Online [Pocket Your Shop]

You could get a video done from Fiverr, I’m sure you could. I actually feel incredibly sorry for some of the professional creators there – who have to deal with thousands of requests from online marketers and business owners.

This post will quickly remind you of the qualities that a professional online video should posses – so you’re always on top of your game.

5 Basic Tips to Make a Professional-Looking Video [OPEN Forum]

Whether we are experienced online markters, or just starting – one thing to remember is that out of anything out there, product videos create the highest conversion rate, and of course emotional bounds.

That is, if the video is good and up to the latest standards. This post will remind you the essential qualities of a professional video. You wouldn’t want to lose all your business because of a lousy product video.

Simplicity: Quite Simply the Greatest Challenge You Will Ever Face [15Five]

This post is great if you’re working in a team and you’re facing issues. I’m including it because I know that there are online marketer teams out there, that may or may not work together – and sometimes it’s difficult to keep track of everything.

This post looks at the basics, and sometimes you have to realize that going overboard with your newest product launch might not be the best idea.

We only look into the simple things – when we’re facing issues with them. Learn to solve the simple problems – don’t create new ones.

What Will Drive Consumers to Shop Online in 2014 [MarketingProfs]

I love studies and infographics that show data about customers, this one is surely no exception. Created by Chicago PR firm WalkerSands, this infographic shows the little things – like how much people are willing to spend on something, without having seen the product first. What are the things that make people purchase something, is it free shipping or is it guaranteed secure shopping?

You’ll also learn how often are people shopping online. Interesting and useful data.

How to Build Meaningful Connections that Lead to Business [Social Media Examiner]

Building relationships offline is just as important as doing so online – though, many of the offline relationships start offline. This podcast features Michael talking with Ted Rubin, about how to establish powerful social media connections, and how-to give the right signals to people.

How Typography Affects Conversions [KISSmetrics]

We are really getting to know our customers, and visitors. We’re learning how-to preserve quality, while also maximizing our earning potential. Ankit Oberoi published a nice article for KISSmetrics, on how typography affect conversions for online marketers, and anyone else who is interested in selling products online.

Ankit will teach you why it is important to have the right typefaces, fonts and font sizes in order to present your sales copy in the best possible manner, for maximum conversion rate. There are some really interesting studies he concludes in this in-depth post.

Just remember, one in-depth post is not going to teach you all of the trade.

How Colors Affect Conversion Rate [QuickSprout]

I was reading this post about increasing Pinterest engagement, and I was surprised to see that color actually has a significant impact on the way people react to certain images and content. I left a comment saying its new to me, and just a few posts later – Neil has published an infographic which talks about different color effects on peoples mind. Psychology in online marketing, at it’s best!

It looks like, because I am using a green heavy color scheme – I’m attracting eco-minded people to my blog, are you eco-minded? I’d love to know! The infographic goes on to talk about different other colors, like how ‘Black’ color scheme can signal for exclusivity and premium content.

Eyetracking Study Reveals What People Actually Look At When Shopping Online [Co.Design]

I wouldn’t put all of my dough on this article, but it is interesting to know that such a shift is happening. I recommend reading this post to learn, and find out about the German company EyeQuant. There are some interesting comments that are worth checking out as well, but most importantly – you can run EyeQuant on your own site for free – to see some examples of what the software thinks your visitors are looking at.

How to Write a Magnetic Headline (in Under 15 Minutes) [Copyblogger]

In this podcast you can listen to Jerod Morris and Demian Farnworth talk about writing magnetic and converting headlines. You’ll learn about why and how to create promising headlines, and best practices for writing headlines. It’s a very well-known discussion topic around Copyblogger, but I know that some people do prefer podcasts over written content.