It can no longer be a discussion of whether it’s a yes or a no. It has become a definite yes that every blogger, writer and business owner should take note of. Visual content has become the standard for anyone who wants to reach more than just the casual text readers across the globe.

I noticed this pattern from very quickly in the past couple of months, and so I knew that I need to open my own infographics section on this blog – in order to always have some resources and visual content to give back to my readers. I’m not at the moment producing any of my own, but I am trying to make the best of what is out there, and so I try to keep track of anything new that hits the web – if you’re into infographics, you can subscribe to my blog and you’ll constantly get new updates. I’m now trying to post at least a couple of infographics every two to three days. You can view the ones posted already here.

codecondo infographicsThere are hundreds of reasons why a business should consider a visual content strategy, and start investing money in producing visual content that will blow people’s minds. It’s possible, so why not do it? Neil Patel spends on average ~$25,000 per infographic that he creates. That sounds like a lot, but that’s what people require of you when they invest millions in your business and ideas. Infographics are far more engaging and appealing than just bland text content. Take this to your advantage before someone else does.

This infographic from Design Cartel is explaining just why you need to have a visual content strategy, and what are the real benefits of having visual content across all of your platforms. It’s not just bloggers and small business owners who utilize this form of advertising – big brands like Google, eBay and Apple all do the same. It’s working and it has become mainstream.

Visual Content is Essential for Business Growth [INFOGRAPHIC]

What do you think? Are you producing visual content for your readers already? What are your plans? If you want to know more in detail about creating infographics then you can check the blog by Visme.