Extended Detection and Response is actually a SaaS cybersecurity platform. It helps you to protect against cyber attacks with a proactive approach. 

XDR is responsible for unifying the cybersecurity information throughout your whole company. This allows your security department to easily visualize the data across all of the platforms you may be using such as the cloud, network, email, API endpoints etc. It also provides one dashboard so that all the data can be accessed and viewed. This ensures that your security team isn’t overworked and worn out due to dealing with low-level alerts from a variety of different systems 

You can set an automated action to deal with each type of alert. This makes XDR stand out from other types of cybersecurity systems. It is also great if you always get lots of alerts since your team may start ignoring them. This is of course very dangerous as a serious threat can easily be bypassed. XDR ensures that this never happens. 

Is XDR Security Necessary?

It is inevitable that cybersecurity attacks will happen at some point in time or other other. Due to this, you need to ensure your business is well protected with numerous security layers. XDR can help you to achieve just that. However, this isn’t the sole reason to purchase it. We will now look at the advantages of XDR. 

XDR Benefits

There are lots of advantages of getting XDR for your business and cybersecurity strategy. We will now take a closer look at 6 of them.

  1. Dashboard Is Consolidated

It is possible to use one dashboard to handle all your settings and configurations for the whole network. When you have one dashboard it ensures that different polices aren’t developed or any ambiguity is formed. It is also good to have one source of information and data for higher consistency which would lead to improved security policies and proper enforcement. 

  1. Visibility Is Fully Integrated

XDR is also capable of integrating all of the various platforms on your network, no matter what they may be such as cloud infrastructure, API endpoints etc. XDR will take information from the various platforms so that vulnerabilities are quickly detected so your team can act as needed. 

  1. Greater Efficiency

Since XDR integrates will all platforms on your network to provide information on one dashboard, this ensures that your team doesn’t have to constantly move from one application to the other and gather information manually. This will save a great deal of time and energy and boost overall productivity. 

  1. Lowers Costs

XDR is a complete turn key cybersecurity platform. It is completely ready to work out of the box once a couple of simple integrations and configurations are done. Once this is done, it will significantly lower your costs. 

  1. Complete Threat Detection

Due to the data unification done by XDR, this will naturally help your security staff to have a much deeper understanding of the threats that your company faces. It will also help them to find vulnerabilities in the network much easier and faster. 

  1. Greater Understanding Of Attacks

This software pools and aggregates information from many different platforms. This will allow your security team to see and properly respond to every attack. Also, with this advanced software, you won’t risk accidentally overlooking any attack.

Also Read: Investing in the Future of Cyber Security