For one group of people, hashtags might mean finding content to read and explore, while for the other group it could mean that it’s time to come up with new and trending content ideas. Hashtags originated from Twitter originally, but quickly spread over to all of the modern social media website. I don’t blame them, it’s a great way to find content and also to tag something so it is easier to find it.
In case you need a reminder on what a hashtag is:
If you have been on Twitter, you may have seen a “hashtag.” To put it simply, a hash tag is simply a way for people to search for tweets that have a common topic and to begin a conversation. For example, if you search on #LOST (or #Lost or #lost, because it’s not case-sensitive), you’ll get a list of tweets related to the TV show. What you won’t get are tweets that say “I lost my wallet yesterday” because “lost” isn’t preceded by the hash tag.
It has become a popular thing between webmasters and bloggers to use hashtags for finding content that people are either willing to read, or looking to find more information about. A lot of articles and posts related to finding the best twitter hashtags will mention that its a good way of finding quality content.
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3 Tools to Help You Find the Best Twitter Hashtags
Here are some great tools you can use to explore the world of Twitter beyond the standard hashtag exploring system that Twitter has integrated, these sites provide in-depth information about hashtags and where they have originated from.

Well-chosen hashtags greatly increase discovery by searchers, tag-trackers and hashtag clickers. Which hashtags get the outcomes you need, though? RiteTag identifies hashtags that got results and leads you to use them more, continually refining your smart-tagging.
Besides being able to find and explore hashtags you can also discover tags and content. RiteTags is probably one of the best tools for gathering detailed hashtag statistics/analytics. is the most advanced Twitter Hashtags search engine. It allows you to find the best hashtags to reach your audience – and it is completely free. Since April 2011, examined 1,684,317,453 tweets, collecting data about 25,068,867 hashtags.
Hashtagify is the place to go if you are looking to analyze Twitter on a whole different level. Hashtagify offers some really great free and premium tools for creating data analysis based on the content found on Twitter. You can see samples of such analysis by clicking this link here, here and here.

TweetReach makes it easy to measure your Twitter campaigns so you can demonstrate real results. Use TweetReach to analyze tweets about your hashtag, brand name or URL; get in-depth social analytics on reach, exposure, tweets and contributors. If you monitor a brand, track media events, run marketing campaigns, or hold contests and games on Twitter for your company or your clients, TweetReach is a simple way to measure the impact of your efforts.
If you need real-time analysis of your tweets and how they are being shared around the web, then TweetReach is the place to go to for finding a solution. It’s a great product, but it also might prove to be a little bit expensive at first. You can read more about recent news on TweetReach here and here.
Smart tools Alex. A little hashtag search can make all the difference. Targeting is one key to making your job as a blogger easier; find your audience by hashtagging to draw them in. Thanks!
You should add Tweet Binder, thanks!
Many thanks for including#ritetag, Aleksejs. Hint: from February, see the “Audit” page and our best features ever. Super for engagement and beating your competitors with the “someone else’s account” feature…