
Writing perfect content is your choice. You can opt to put in your time and required work to create perfect content and create a rich brand. Or you may opt to take the simple path and write bad content – a path which ultimately will take you nowhere. It’ll result in waste of your time, resources and energy only.

The path for the content marketers is apparent. In order to increase SEO rankings, gain leads and/or traffic, you should have perfect content on your website or blog. Let’s have a look at what actually makes that perfect content.
Perfect Content

1. Write Original Content

Original content only goes a very long way when it comes to search engines like Google and visitors. Copying others content will lead to a punishment by Google, which could crush your own bottom line.

Want some proof?

Remember the time when you found ezine articles ranking top on Google? You do not see them any longer, and it is no accident. Ezine articles were one among the hardest hit because of Google’s algo update, aimed to stop bad content from high ranking.

Original means originality too. Your ideas must be original! Rehashing same concepts or the other posts repeatedly isn’t original. If the content is already played out, nobody will link to that content – and that defeat the idea of writing content right away.

Remember these two important rules in your life:

  1. If you do not have anything helpful to say, don’t say anything at all.
  2. You get only what you really pay for.

These two straightforward points will definitely keep you on path of creating quality content which will yield great returns for years ahead.

2. Focus On Creating Solid Headlines Always

A good headline ignites interest and invites the readers. Consider these statistics:

  • 80 percent individuals will read your headline.
  • But 20 percent of those people only will read the whole content!

And that’s why the headline tends to be as imperative as the post or article itself.

Take time for creating your headlines. If probable, make some and choose which you like the most. Do not skim over them. These are the very first thing that people read, and are the basis that those people utilize to choose whether they wish to read your post or not.

Creating your Headlines

3. Be Able to Give Answers

What’s the ultimate idea of search engines? Most people are correct in saying “it is to deliver answers.” Google is excellent at this. Simply type a question in Google and you will be offered with links, videos and pictures.

When the people utilize a search engine, they ultimately want an answer for their question, and it is the search engines work to deliver the answer.

It is the same exactly when people are viewing an infographic, watching a video or reading any blog post — they wish for an answer so that they can gain some knowledge. An added tip here is: the people don’t want answers only, they want answers quickly. So make the content simple to scan so that people can take the juicy, imperative bits fast.

4. Make The Content Actionable

The best content offers the user an intellect on how to use the information or data. It doesn’t humiliate users by telling what to do, rather respect them as well as offers them with guarantee that they now know best to use the materials. When you write a blog post, provide users tips on using what you’re offering them. Lots of times, writing well about any topic only will spark some great ideas for readers.

5. Create Thought Provoking and Engaging Content

Engaged audience always hang on to your each word and takes up all that you say or write. But the only method to get engaged audience is by creating engaging content. It starts with you as well as what you write. Below are some tips to assist you in creating engaging content:

  • Leave your readers with questions. It does not mean to have incomplete post, but to include questions which make readers return on how they actually can apply the knowledge you offered.
  • Have a promising and imperative introduction. Ever thought how fast people make judgments on blog posts? Most of the people doubtlessly decide within the very first few sentences whether the post is actually worth reading. Tell the users why they must care along with what you will be discussing in your blog post. Make your users read it.
  • People like stories. You can make use of a story in the introduction or have an anecdote woven in your blog post. The stories can help explain a point. When probable, add a story into your blog post. This will make your content more engaging and can also make the reader learn.

6. Be Precise in Your Sourcing and Reporting Information

Think of this: you write a post for your own company’s blog, lots of individuals read it, but some of your offered information turned to be wrong. Can you think what damage this could do to your personal and your company’s reputation? Remember, the blog is a mirror image of your company. In case there are any problems with the blog, then it impacts how the people view your products.
It’s imperative that any statistic stated by you can be verified. Lots of blog posts link right to statistic and source. Accuracy is what can help build trust with readers.

Here are a few tips to consider when you are mulling over the matter of accuracy:

  • Think about who you’re linking to. Are those sources trusted and authoritative? Linking to other high quality sites will get more trust for you from readers.
  • Help out the search engines. Linking to other content and sources will help search engines to figure out what the content is all about, and how the content should be categorized.
  • Linking to more contents can help only. The more you back up and validate what you’re writing about, more trusted your contents will become.

Final points about creating perfect content:

Do not treat a post or other kind of content lightly. It’s hard, and great ones take some time to research as well as write. Proper title, organization, and grammar are a must. While rereading your article, ask yourself:

  • Is there any word I can remove?
  • Have I offered the readers with the best information?
  • Is it complete?