Apple has finally announced its newest products; iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iWatch, and Apple Pay. The company is continuing to push great products with great design, despite the efforts of many to shame and blame the technology giant for weak security precautions. The Apple Event 2014 was a great success, everyone knows that.
Just a few months ago, we saw the release of Swift – the new programming language that Apple is developing and using to support Cocoa development. Shortly after the initial release earlier this year, Swift was pushed to an official 1.0 stable version. Clearly, there is demand for Swift, but can we say the same about the supply of tutorials and guides on this new language?
iOS 8 includes over 4,000 new APIs that let you add amazing new features and capabilities to your apps. Deeper integration with iOS means you can extend the reach of your app content and functionality.
We also witnessed the release of the new iOS, more specifically – the release of iOS 8. A revolutionary mobile operating system that has been upgraded with some really exciting new technologies, especially in the field of mobile gaming. Get ready to build some serious gaming experiences, and make money along the way!
Swift & iOS8 App Development from Scratch in 6 Weeks
The mobile market is booming, the demand is not meeting the supply and more developers are required in order to even out the market gaps. The average salary for an iOS developer can stretch into the six figures very easily, and with the increased reductions in price tags for mobile products, we’re going to see the market continue climbing up. Learning curve is steep, but not as bad as many might think.
I’ve seen several courses being built around this topic already, it makes perfect sense – both iOS8 and Swift are very new products, and people are looking for course, tutorials and guides on how to overcome the challenges that these two new things bring to the table. But, the problem seems to be in the price. One of the courses I saw was selling for $500 – seemed a little pricey!
ob Percival has built several courses in his career, and every single one of them have got more than a thousands students – it gives Rob the necessary experience to maintain large and popular online courses such as this one. Rob has prepared a full-scale walkthrough for learning how to operate and program in Swift, as well as how to prepare for development on the new iOS 8. You’ll be learning by building 15 real and usable applications.
You can get access to the course by following this link.
What’s inside?
The Complete iOS8 and Swift Course is THE most comprehensive, cost-effective and career-enhancing mobile app development course you’ll find on the web – or your money back. It’s a one-stop-shop for everything you need to start creating professional mobile apps that engage users, call them to action, and ultimately make you money!
Though, Rob understands what it means to give back to the users, by signing up to the course you’ll also gain access to a years worth of hosting for free, a copy of his highly sought after eBook: How To Earn $10,000 While Learning To Code, and on top of that – you’ll also get access to thousands of graphical elements to use on your newly built apps! (icons, buttons, objects, backgrounds, etc,.)
If you’re looking for a reliable and effective course that will lead to you finding a job by the end of it – then this is the one to signup for. The technology is new (and very hot), so better get on that train before it’s too late!
There are roughly 150 lectures, and over 20 hours of content to work with, and it all begins with the basics! Then, Rob takes you through the steps required to learn XCode and Swift like the back of your hands – you’ll be building native apps, naturally! After that we progress to building more advanced apps and games using web content, animation and geolocation.
The really cool thing I enjoyed about this course was the ending of it, Rob begins to teach you how to build things like Instagram Clone, or a fully functional Snapchat Clone. Those two clones will teach you a lot of things about how users interact with one another over the web. Rob promises to all students that this is the only course they’ll need in order to become certified iOS 8 and Swift developers!
If you think that this meets your requirements and needs – signup for the course here!
The Complete iOS8 and Swift Course
Apple is working hard to make sure that it continues to deliver only exceptional quality products, the newest iOS version has brought some very pleasant and long-awaited changes to the operating system. The guys behind Sencha have taken their time to go over the newest iOS 8 features that compliment HTML5 development.
I’m quite happy with the $199 price-tag for this particular course, you’ll be making that money back in no time, and by having a direct experience of what it is like to build production apps for the Apple devices – you’ll be able to find well-paying work in just a couple of hours, the market really is that open right now!
You seem to have a circular links. The links that should go to the ios8 couse come back here.
Dude, you can pick up this course for $10. It’s nowhere near as good as you insinuate. Rob doesn’t spend much time talking about why things do what they do, his support is days in the making, and for the most part the program isn’t very good because xCode is changing faster than he’s keeping up with videos!
For those looking to get into iOS development with Swift it’s currently a bit difficult. There’s very few up-to-date resources out there (as stated, many new changes to xCode) and the steepest part of the learning curve is xCode and iOS…both of which are brand fucking new.