There is a moment in the life of any blogger or brand that promotes using social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Youtube when manual handling of everything begins to consume too much time. And of course, we should remember the level of competition in most niches, that makes organic growth practically impossible. Luckily, nowadays you can automate some processes and aid yourself on your way to the top rating and likes on any platform you want. How exactly such things can help you and what is the strategy for social media promotion that includes automation, we shall reveal in this article!

The Use Of Paid Promotion On Social Media

The first reason to use purchased boosts for your account is that this is the most effective method to break in the competition and drive the attention of the audience to your content. It is commonly considered that paid services are bot farms that have no use for normal growth online. But such an opinion isn’t relevant anymore. 

Surely bot farms still exist, but smart users easily distinguish and avoid them. And using such services is a direct way to be banned on the network, as using bots for increasing your status is illegal. Modern trustworthy services, on the contrary, are legit, because they provide likes, wires, and shares from real people, hence, the bot security systems of most platforms aren’t alerted by your activity online. 

Using paid promotion is a big part of automation on social media, as it makes the way to popularity more predictable for beginners, hence they can calculate a more accurate strategy and plan the content ahead. Also, on sites like, there is an opportunity to buy 50 Instagram likes automatically each month. This option is called “refill”. To get it, contact the managers of the site. The main benefit of refills is that you can secure the constant flow of likes to your posts, which will attract organic audiences and keep up your position in the rating. 


As your profile grows, it requires more attention from you. And this amount can be reduced only if you manage to delegate some things. Some entrepreneurs hire managers and administrators who run social media profiles as you spend time creating new content for a bigger amount of likes and other things in your life. Along with management, these workers often are supposed to analyze the market and offer ideas for further expansion on Instagram, Pinterest, etc. But this method of time-saving is more expensive, and not all bloggers are ready to leave their work in the hands of another person. 

For nonprofits, using automation tools is a far more pleasant practice. As you delegate the most boring repetitive processes to the machinery, you are:

  • Freeing time for more creative ideas.
  • Still control the process personally.
  • Have a clear analysis before your eyes.
  • Relax and refill your resources as you can rely on the automatic processing of your errands on social media. 

Increasing The Engagement 

Another purpose of automation tools is that they allow you to grow the engagement rate on any platform. You can find a vast range of analytical instruments that will help you to improve your performance, use proper hashtags, gain likes and collaborate with the right people. Along with auto-posting services, you can find much more time for adjusting your strategy and content plan according to all the data that you were able to gather. 

Sales Support

For ECommerce, using automation tools is also quite beneficial. It is commonly known that many brands establish their sales directly on social platforms such as Instagram, hence they meet a lot of routine work:

  • Answering the same questions in direct messaging. 
  • Sending required information multiple times to a lot of people. 
  • Answering typical queries in comments.
  • Reminding important information, like working hours, to the clients.

All that consumes a lot of time, and manual handling leaves the possibility of mistakes that are based on human factors. Besides, if your promotional campaign goes well, it can be hard to answer all queries that may come in the short term. So, implementing auto-posting and answering machines is a huge time-saver, that also helps you to embrace a much bigger audience and likes. 

How To Use Automation To Improve Your Tactic On Social Media


Huge assistance of automatic instruments for social networks is obvious when it comes to planning your content, for example, on Instagram, Youtube, etc. You can easily discover when is your best time for uploading with the help of analytical tools that gather the information about your target audience behavior, and then secure the visibility of your post as you schedule its appearance online to start receiving likes and comments. This point is very important for your stable growth on social platforms because consistency is one of the factors that impact your engagement rate and visibility. 

Curated Content Gathering

Curated content is a kind of material that isn’t completely original, but which is perfectly fit for interpretation by you. Established bloggers know that creating relevant content that will hit the audience is the most important, yet exhausting and time-consuming venture. Nowadays you can track ROI, analyze the preferences of the public and discover new trends that are relevant for your industry, using automatic assistants. It doesn’t mean that you steal content from other creators. But this is how you can accumulate the ideas for your further strategy, staying in the range of interests of your target group. 

Social listening 

One of the most exhausting things to do is to collect information about the interests and behavior of your target group on IG, YT or any other platform. You need a lot of time and resources to check up all data that appears to be relevant for you, but as it is incredibly important for establishing the reputation and running proper campaigns (especially for businesses), this is an absolute must-do. Fortunately, modern analytical instruments will do that for you, and provide all the required information in much shorter terms than if you would do the research manually. 

Collecting reports

For a good pace of growth on social networks, you must keep your hand on the pulse of your current progress and be able to compare your results. Doing so is what helps to adjust your tactic and eliminate things that slow you down. You can set up reporting tools that will send you the information about your progress such as likes, followers, etc., using social media in selected periods, allowing you to feel free from the need to sit and peer into your statistics, collecting the data that you need right now. 

Automatic conversations

This is the most useful kind of tool for brands because it allows them to work with a bigger number of customers, followers and likes completing the deals faster on Instagram, Facebook, etc. Instruments like ManyChat allow you to answer your direct messages on various platforms through one comfortable interface. This way you can embrace more orders per day, providing a bigger profit for the company and increasing your reputation among the potential clientele. Reaction speed means a lot to users, and if you are slow and don’t respond to their inquiries fast enough, you risk ending up as an outsider in your industry.


Modern services offer many analytical and technical tools that make the life of an entrepreneur on social media much easier and effective. Also, privacy protection is crucial for influencers and businesses. However, no instrument can do the vital thing – create original and interesting content. So this task is still up to you.