Frameworks for Mobile Development

Frameworks are defined as complex software development environments. They include many sub-components, whose main work is to help you create your applications. Frameworks come with a number of tool sets, debuggers, compilers, different code libraries, application programming interfaces and other components. Working together, they are all meant to make work easier for app developers. Frameworks form the basis of app development and their usage makes the entire development process simpler and more exciting. Without frameworks, developers would be writing every application they want to develop from scratch. This would involve a lot of coding just so the application can work on different platforms. There are a number of frameworks that you can consider using. Here are the best to choose from to make your development simpler and easier:

1. Ionic

This is one of the most popular frameworks for mobile app developers. Ionic enables a developer to build the best progressive and native web applications. This capability makes it simpler to develop an app that works on all platforms, and on the latest mobile devices. Any developer who is interested in commercial success through their app will choose this framework.

2. Junior

This is a Zepto plugin for building mobile apps. It is dependent on several external libraries like Backbone.JS and Flickable.JS for some of its features to work, but it features a native look and feel. As a framework, it is front end and creates HTML 5 mobile apps using Ratchet CSS UI components.

3. Ext JS

This is a good choice of framework as it is based on HTML5 and JavaScript. It is highly flexible and it can help a developer create a variety of mobile apps, whether simple or complex. It has some of the best high-performance UI widgets that will prove to be very useful in your development. Some of the widgets you will get to use through Ext JS are forms, lists, toolbars, and menus among others. All these resources are available to help a developer create great applications for Android, iOS, iPhone and Windows.

4. jQT

This is a Zepto plugin for mobile framework that was mainly designed for webkit browsers. It is highly customizable and extensible. It comes with a theme, which can be modified using Compass or Sass, and very cool 3D transitions that can be adjusted through CSS3. You can also extend it with your own required functionalities to get the support you need for your app creation.

5. jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile
This framework can help you create impressive mobile applications. It is ideal for the creation of cross-mobile platform application projects. It comes with a wide range of plugins, which minimize the amount of time needed to create an application. You only need this single framework and the apps you will be creating will work on different devices, operating systems and platforms. JQuery mobile also comes with ThemeRoller, which is a unique feature you will not find on other frameworks. This feature will help you create apps that are one of a kind.

6. Lungo

This is a lightweight mobile framework that is based on HTML5 and CSS3. It is popular because of its nice default styles that you can use as a starting point to design your mobile app. It also comes with a number of JavaScript APIs to control your app. It creates apps that can work on various platforms like Blackberry, iOS, Android and Firefox OS.

7. Adobe PhoneGap

Adobe PhoneGap
This is a great framework from the highly reputable Adobe Company. It is an ideal choice when creating hybrid mobile apps using JavaScript, CSS and HTML. It offers great software solutions for designers such as InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator and more. One of its strengths is its ability to create high performing apps that can work very well on different devices. Once you use Adobe PhoneGap, you can confidently deliver your apps to your users without expecting any hardware limitations. It has a lot of plugins too, which will ensure an easier creation of simple as well as complex mobile apps.

8. Ratchet

This framework was first used by Twitter to help create their mobile app prototype, and then it was released as an open source project. It provides a collection of User Interface and JavaScript plugins that help in the creation of simple mobile apps. It provides reusable HTML classes as well.

9. Intel XDK

Intel XDK
This is a good framework to use if you want to create HTML5 applications easily, and with speed. It is best to consider if you are creating complex apps as it has all the solutions you need to make the development process much easier. It comes with great features that you can choose from, which include plugins and industry-leading tools. It is also the best to use if you are creating and monetizing games. It offers support or third-party plugins, which can reduce the amount of time you need to create a great-quality application.

10. Sencha Touch

Sencha Touch
This is a great framework that is powered by HTML5 and CSS3. It provides animations, APIs and components which are compatible with the current browsers and mobile platforms. It offers support for Cordova and PhoneGap. With this support, you can create your app and then submit it to its respective platform’s App Store. It also offers a set of themes for iOS, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Android, Tizen and other platforms, therefore your app will always feel like it is a native app.

Frameworks form the basis of your future applications; therefore, the right choice of a framework to use has to be carefully evaluated. One thing you should note is that these frameworks are different; you have to take time to study their different APIs so as to make the best choice for the kinds of apps you are creating. An excellent attribute of these frameworks is that they are able to deal with a wide range of issues you might face during mobile app development, making your work easier and stress free.

Do you want to get your hands on these amazing frameworks. If you want to truly master development frameworks, we have a course that covers 5 of these amazing 10 frameworks. You can find the brilliant course here. Learn Best Five Mobile App Frameworks by Eduonix