Successful Web Developer

Isn’t feeling wanted the best feeling in the world? Congratulations, you web developers around the globe! The year 2018 will both need you and want you like never before. The odds are in your favour (OK fine, developers in demand is not something new but 2018 will go on to create records, so says the trends) but do you have what it takes?

No, seriously! You could even teach machines to speak languages, so clearly if that’s all you have (technical knowledge and a bookish knowhow), all the buzz that 2018 has in store may not be for you, after all. It is true, in 2018, demand for block chain developers will shoot up, cybersecurity will touch an inflection point and AI will be a thing of necessity, and the world will cry out for top notch development skills (for when intelligent treats arise or dangerous hazards happen you guys seem to have all the answers) but first things first! Above all, web developers are humans and nothing defines a human being more than his (or her) habits!

This article will present you with a list of habits that every competitive web developer must have. Quickly run down the list and see if you are missing out on any. You know, it’s never too late to make amends.

Practice Humility –

Might come across as a bit rude but sadly, the world perceives you as cocky (for the lack of a better word) when they can’t make heads or tails out of a code that you have just written. For your sake, we understand the pleasures of writing a deeply intellectual code (which perhaps only you can completely fathom) but what good is intellect when it goes unrecognised?

To be a successful developer you must first culminate the habit of writing a clean code, one that is easy to read and easier to test and reuse. It will make your life incredibly easier as a developer. One simple tip: assign just one purpose to each function, it should do one thing and one thing only!

Develop an understanding of business –

Web developers develop more than just software and web applications, they grow and develop the whole business with their professional expertise. Hence, it’s not enough to do what you do (and do it really well), you also need to know why you are doing it and who will benefit as a result.

A developer goes from good to great when he writes for his end user in a way in which his client’s business will benefit. Any developer can scribble out a code for a company’s new mobile app but only a developer with a big-picture kind of vision would first care to understand why the company is building the app in the first place, and still there are fair few who will integrate such knowledge into the coding process.

Discipline thyself –

A disciplined developer is one would not compromise on quality for the sake of speed. He or she adheres to processes, after fully understanding the importance of it and openly welcomes constructive sprints. Also, they understand the importance of dedicating focused time to coding and development (this is to say that you will hardly ever find a disciplined dev. without a pair of headphone during work hours, you know, to kill the buzz around).

Ditch the rabbit holes –

It is okay to dwell in one for some time but you can’t practically build a nest there. For a successful web developer, it is important to keep your focus on shared objectives without getting side-tracked by ideas that are smart but not target-oriented.

To keep it simple, as a developer aiming for unparalleled success, you cannot let yourself get carried away by pie-in-the-sky ideas though you would be tempted to (understandably, that too). Irrespective of the where the twisted lanes of your fascinating mind carries you, you have to keep your eyes on the prize. Just do a reality check from time to time to ensure that you are voraciously investing into something that is at par with the common goal, one that everyone as a team is trying to achieve, and that should get you sorted!

Be stubborn –

Even the heavens fall in love with a persistent mind, undeterred by challenges. This is to say that be persistent about problem solving. With enough patience, perseverance, effort and research, you will hardly ever come across a problem without a solution. And that’s what successful web developers do: they rack their brains till they find a befitting solution to the most challenging problem (and even you will agree that it’s the best feeling in the world.)

Don’t be shy to ask for help –

Persistence and pride are not the two same things and a successful developer knows the difference. Here is a free advice to all the web devs out there, “Get good at Googling”. It will be so unfortunate if you let a programming problem turn into a productivity drain just because you were too shy to ask for help and, mind you, for every problem you come across in your programming career, there is someone else in some other part of the planet who has faced the same. May be it’s out there on the internet and seeking out may spur an idea or two just when you thought you were about to hit a programmer’s block.

Last but hardly the least, we will let you in on a little secret. Say a head hunter at your dream company receives two resumes, one from you and another from a developer equally qualified on paper as you. How do you think they will decide the best amongst you? Well, technical skills and expertise will only take you so far, it is your attitude as a developer and the set of habits you choose to cultivate that will give you the ultimate edge over your peers. Basically, your habits as a developer will play key role in determining your success in your career. (Psst! It’s never too late to brush up.)