In-house software development can be time-sapping and tedious. In present circumstances, outsourcing to software development services like Emphasoft is a sensible option. Because, you finish projects quickly, and worry less about after-launch bugs. Thus, you’re able to keep up with the market competition.

Still, not all software development services deserve trying out. You won’t want your limited budget wasted by heedless developers. Otherwise, you risk a fold-up even before starting operations. So, how do you find the best and right software development company for your startup?  Here, Emphasoft brings you 5 ultimate tips

Be Clear About What The Software Solution Is

What challenge do you want to solve with your software solution? By now you’d have documented them.

It’s important to be clear about the project goals. As a client, you have to clarify what your project needs to the developers. Otherwise, you risk scope creeping which can have adverse effects on cost. You may have to answer questions like

  • What is the project’s vision?
  • Who will use the solution?
  • What key features does the project need?
  • How many users will use the software at a time?
  • Which programming language do you prefer and why?

And lots more.

Provide the developers with detailed information about your expectations. Including the finer details. This way, you have a consensual view of what the project will look like.

Choose The Right Software Development Service

Choosing the right developer is crucial because they create the software. Sadly, startup companies make lots of mistakes in the name of saving costs.

While high price quotes don’t translate to the best services, it is crucial to make the right choice. Check out the company’s technical team, track record, and similar jobs they have worked on. It’s only after considering these and many other key factors that you can consider the cost.

Getting services for low cost sometimes means subpar delivery. And it may end up being disastrous. Customers abandon your service if it doesn’t meet their expectations. Eventually, you spend more money fixing bugs and making modifications.

Here is simple research you can do on the firm

  • Check out their portfolio on their website. Do they justify the hype?
  • Have they created similar solutions, maybe for a competitor?
  • Read customer reviews
  • Ask how they perform QA Testing, project management, and documentation, updates, etc.
  • Which cyber security equipment do they use?
  • How communicative are they? Which medium do they use for communication?
  • Can their developer team carry out your project?
  • Read the case studies. Does the time spent on the project correlate with its complexity? What factors do they keep in mind while estimating the development time

I know you’ve probably thought about lots of research questions. Ask them, get answers and make the right choice for your startup company.

Assess The Company’s Project Contract

It won’t be nice to get yourself or your solution struck up in legal battles. Or seeing others stealing your ideas and making money from the solution.

You won’t believe that 90% of software used in China and Vietnam are pirated. So avoid being a victim by following these tips

  • Get a lawyer to sign a nondisclosure agreement before discussing project details with developers
  • Check out government rulings about your solution. Is there anything illegal?
  • Make sure your developer doesn’t use a native tool that belongs to another client

Plus, you have to scrutinize the agreed project contract. What is their pricing quote? What after-launch services do they provide? What methodologies will they build the project with? Etc. The following checklist may help.

  • Completion time and payment schedule for each milestone
  • Warranty plan
  • Who will own the source code after project completion
  • After-service support. You may need one or you may not.
  • Project completion date
  • Project documentation.

Choose The Right Outsourcing  Protocol

Never develop your software without determining the perfect outsourcing model. Outsource models help you get the optimal results based on available resources. Here are well-known outsourcing protocols in software development

  • Time And Material (T&M) model
  • Fixed Price model
  • Dedicated Team model

Time And Material Model

Do you want to save money? Then, choose the T&M model. This way, you have to pay the outsourcing company only for the time used to develop your project. This pricing approach is commonly used by small businesses. Such startups’ app solutions are lightweight while it utilizes limited resources.

T&M is also a good model when making upgrades, fixing bugs, or making system changes.

Fixed Price Model

Fixed price is another outsourcing model that may fascinate you. Prior to starting the project, you agree with the developer on the price. No matter what happens, you have an assurance that you’ll only pay the amount agreed. Nothing more or nothing less. The fixed price approach has a few pros

  • It gives you the development cost overhead even before starting. Thus, you’re better placed to make payments upon project completion.
  • It guarantees project documentation. That is, you know everything on the project beforehand. Including project scope, needs, plan, functionalities, innovative tech tools required, completion date etc.

Thus you can review the project. And give the green light for starting only when you become content with the project details.

  • You also have a clear idea of when your app solutions get delivered.

Dedicated Team Model

A Dedicated team model is perfect for lifelong projects. Most large companies use it to develop long-term projects. These software implementation steps are often vague. This model usually requires a large expertise team from every development field. Here are what makes the dedicated team model special

  • Specialist Attention: software development companies are dedicated professionals that work exclusively on your project. They provide the most skilled and experienced talents in-house, outside, and offshore.
  • Quality End Product: In the end, you get software that reflects the software development idea for your startup. The app is free of bugs, high quality, and meets customers’ requirements to the letter.
  • Flexibility: The dedicated team model gives software development services the flexibility to make changes. What is important is achieving product goals. And they can try out new solutions in line with current market requirements.

Never Skip Quality Assurance Testing

Users will be quick to dump your solution if it’s filled with bugs or doesn’t have the latest technologies.

So, as a startup company, never skip QA Testing in the name of optimizing resources. Because it could have far-reaching negative effects on your business. You could lose customers and later spend even more. Study shows that the cost of fixing bugs is 4 times lower when in the design phase.

So, what do Quality assurance engineers test on your software

  • QA testers ensure that the software actualizes the solution expected from it.
  • Through a bug tracking system, they detect every bug in the software and fix them
  • They check whether the software meets modern standards, innovative functionalities, and new technologies.
  • They test the system’s functionalities and performance. Can it handle large users or data? What are its maximum capabilities?

QA Testing makes sure that you fix overlooked mistakes that could cost your business. With a good user experience, customers use your software while you rake in profit.


While outsourcing Software development for startups is better than in-house development, it isn’t as easy as it seems. Because you have to hire the right development team and work within your resources.

Thankfully, this article has given you the right tips to get the best outsourcing company. Thereby, you’d be aware of mistakes you could make and how to avert them. In the end, you develop a brilliant solution for your audience.

Also Read: Is Your Software Development Team Ready for Automation?