During the early stages of any software development, SAST is considered. It can work without implementing any code and helps developers to detect weaknesses when the final application is released for operational purposes. It can resolve any issues quickly and efficiently. 

Hitches That SAST Can Help To Resolve

As developers code any applications, they are provided with real-time feedback via SAST, any security-related issues are taken care of there and then, which helps to navigate the coding effectively. Some of the software can point out the exact weakness or vulnerability so any risks can be resolved. One does not need to have specific domain expertise with this.

Reports can also be generated via SAST and the tools available within it. These can then be exported both online and offline and tracked via a dashboard. Thus aiding in finding solutions to any issues and helping developers to remedy problems immediately before the application is released.

To comply with full efficiency, the tools must be run on any application regularly, either daily or monthly, and upon any application release. The reviewing of the source code is how SAST can help most organizations from handling any glitches promptly. 

Also Read: Best Open-Source Security Tools That You Can Begin With!

Steps To Run SAST Successfully

To perform the SAST effectively 6 initial steps need to be taken. We look at these below:

Finding the right tool. 

First and foremost, choosing the right static analysis tools is fundamental. One that can perform code reviews is ideal. It should also be easily integrated into any application and comprehend the underlying basis of the software you are using.

Creating the infrastructure.

There are other things outside of analysis such as the license requirements, authorizing and controlling access, once the relevant resources are acquired, such as the databases and the servers, to position the tool.

Tailoring specific organizational needs.

Once the above has been done it will need to be customized according to the organization’s specifications. Examples would include tailoring the SAST to find additional security weaknesses and reducing false positives, typically done by updating existing rules or writing new ones.

Prioritizing the high-risk applications.

Once the tailoring is complete, you will need to onboard the applications. If there are several and large then the ideal step would be to prioritize the high-risk ones and scan those first. In the end, all the applications should be integrated and scanned regularly and in sync with code check-ins, daily or monthly builds, and release cycles.

Analysis of scan results.

Once the scans are done and the reports are available, the developers can use this to identify any issues and rectify them effectively. Rectifying any inconsistencies and removing false positives happens at this stage.


Proper training of development teams will safeguard the competent use of these scanning tools. Because SAST is incorporated into applications, it is fundamental to deploy it and make sure it runs and is used as part of a regular process.

Many organizations are now looking to add application security to their overall business plans, due to the high risk of data breaches. Mitigating risks and identifying security flaws early in the cycle, should be a priority for all.