Most programming students ask this question, “how do I improve my homework coding skills?”. Learning theoretical concepts is easy, but when it comes to doing practical work, most students find it difficult. Even people with complete theoretical knowledge of object-oriented concepts can get some challenges when it comes to coding. Sometimes experienced programmers find it challenging to solve problems like the use of replication, binary search tree, manufacturer-consumer, etc. All these can be caused by not doing enough coding or not understanding the concepts by relating to real-life. In this article, we will discuss ways on how to improve homework coding skills and become a better programmer.

1. Read Code. Read Lots of Code

This is probably the most common and valuable suggestion when it comes to improving programming skills. However, you might be wondering why reading other people’s code is so important. When you read an already completed code, you see how someone else managed to solve a particular programming problem. But do not think of it as literature; treat it as a challenge and a lesson. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • How would I have written that code block? Now that you have seen another solution, what would you do differently?
  • What did I learn? How can I apply that technique to the code I had written earlier? (“I would have never thought of using recursive descent there…”).
  • How can I enhance this code? And where are you confident you’ve got a better solution if it’s open-source code.
  • Repeat the code in the author’s style. Practicing helps you get into the programmer’s mind, which can improve your understanding.

Do not just idly think about the above steps. Note down your answers, whether posting in a community forum with other developers, writing in a code review process, a blog, or a personal journal.

2. Write Code, And Not Just as Assignments

Numerous advantages come with working on personal programming projects. One, it allows you to learn more about tools and technologies that aren’t available at your school or not yet suggested by your lecturer. Whether you are working on an open-source project, you will gain self-confidence and tech skills. Another advantage of writing code for fun is forcing yourself to figure out and solve problems on your own. It keeps you from asking for help too soon because you cannot leave the hard stuff to someone else. It is advisable not to select only personal projects where you never fail. Find projects that are challenging too.

3. You Learn More by Helping Others

Start interacting with real programmers by subscribing to online technology forums such as StackOverflow or CopyCrafter. Answer questions asked by other platform members and also ask questions. This will help you learn about other programmers’ problems by investigating, understanding, and providing solutions. There are experienced programmers in these forums who are dedicated to helping others.

4. Remind Yourself How Much You Have to Learn

Accepting that you don’t know something, the first step in learning it. That seems obvious, but knowledgeable developers recall how much time it took to conquer this personal assumption. A lot of computer science students graduate with a proud “I know best” bravado, a definite certainty that they understand everything and the extreme need to establish it to each new job colleague. Quite simply: The “I understand what I am doing!” mindset may get in the way of learning something new.

5. Learn Techniques, Not Tools

Programming language methodologies and tools come and go. That is why it is advisable to have as much experience as you can with different frameworks and languages as possible. Concentrate on the programming principles, since the basics never change; pay additional attention to design compared to programming. If you feel confident there are just one right means to do something; it is likely time to get a reality test. Belief can impair your ability to find new things, and also force you to slow to adapt to change.

Conclusively, since coding requires enhanced logical thinking, try practicing with complex puzzles and use the law of logical deduction to get the answers. For instance, you can try a logic puzzle such as Sudoku. If you are unable to solve it, do not worry since you are in the starting phase, but also you are not limited when it comes to trying other types of logical puzzles.