Today, most companies are willing to invest in developing tools that help create high-quality web solutions in a short time. ReactJS and VueJS are the two most popular and commonly used front-end JS frameworks exercised for developing web applications.

There are many developing tools available online but it is important to know which web framework with deliver the best web products in the long run and fulfill business requirements.

In this blog, we have discussed ReactJS and VueJS frameworks in detail and compared them in different aspects, thus making it easier to choose one for your web product delivery.

What is ReactJS?

ReactJS is a JavaScript library maintained by Facebook, Instagram, and a community of individual developers and corporations for building complex applications. 

ReactJS has gained popularity because it is easy to learn, testable, and offers a great developer experience. It also helps developers with the challenges of building large user interfaces by providing them with the tools to create reusable UI components. Using ReactJS, developers can build large, complex applications faster and better.

What is the Virtual DOM?

Virtual DOM is a JavaScript library that provides a high-level API for manipulating the DOM. Developers tell React about the state they want the UI to be in and ensure that it matches the DOM, which further helps in building an app. Virtual DOM in React helps make the application work faster.

What is VueJS?

VueJS is a JavaScript framework used by most developers for creating interactive and fast web applications.

It was created by Evan You in 2011 when he was working as a developer at Google. He wanted to make a more flexible framework that could be used for any front-end application, without the need to switch between different libraries and frameworks.

VueJS has been growing in popularity since its release in 2011, and it is now one of the most popular frameworks on the market today. Using VueJS, developers can build smaller applications faster and better. Also, React has a virtual DOM that is used to make the application work faster.

Is VueJS easy to learn?

VueJS is an open-source framework for building user interfaces. Being one of the most popular 

JavaScript frameworks, VueJS has helped build many applications and it has a large community of developers. The framework is easy to learn and has a simple learning curve. It also scales well with large applications and it can be used in both small and large projects.

Vue vs React: Key Differences

In a head-to-head matchup such as ReactJS vs VueJS, it is also essential to know the similarities between react and vue frameworks. These technologies have established communities, widespread support, and are popular, but Vue.js is a framework while reactjs is a library. Vue.js and React are both used in web development, mostly in web applications.

Vue.JS is mostly based on MVVM Pattern, sometimes people also call it MVC, but either way, Vue.JS supports more layers of development, while React.js supports and concentrates on just the view layer of development for web applications, has the major advantage of server-side rendering, rendering pages to the server using Virtual DOM concepts, and provides effective test infrastructures and robustness.

Vue.JS is easier to develop smaller applications, while React.js is useful to develop larger, complex web applications development and supports various third-party libraries and packages from outside.

Vue is a self-hosted framework, while React requires using external libraries.

Clearly, both are great frameworks for any modern web app and React vs. Vue pros and cons vary depending on your use case.

Both VueJS and reactjs are built upon a Virtual DOM pattern, which implies higher efficiency and outputs for single-page web applications.

The main differences are in the methods used by Vue versus React to render the content to the real DOM. React, by comparison, is a rendering library that is mostly focused on a component-based approach. Compared with other frameworks or front-end libraries, ReactJS is simpler, has a well-defined lifecycle, and is component-based in approach.

Unlike other JavaScript frameworks such as Angular or React, Vue.js offers a lightweight and easy solution for building interactive interfaces and applications. Vue and React are similar tools that offer libraries and frameworks for developers to build dynamic, fast-loading UIs.

When it comes to developing UIs that are based on components, Vue and Reacts vast libraries of components facilitate code reuse, improve developer productivity, and speed up development processes. Both React and Vue are open-source JavaScript frameworks that allow developers to easily and quickly create sophisticated UIs.

While React is focused on building reusable user interface components, Vue takes a more holistic approach, providing developers with front-end tools

Vue.js is capable of integrating different projects and helps in developing a Vue-based application with no difficulties. Vue is used for developing web applications and also for developing mobile apps using React Native, which allows for building multi-platform apps.

VueJS templates are usually written in HTML, though there is the option of writing in JSX.

The main difference between VueJS and Vue syntax is the way that view layers are constructed. VueNative is a wrapper around the ReactNative API that allows Vue.js to develop mobile apps that are much closer to a native implementation.


Vue.js and React.js are the two most popular Frontend JavaScript Frameworks in the Developer World, trading places at the top of the podium every year for most loved, used, or most appreciated.

Choosing between ReactJS or VueJS can be challenging for a few but after going through our above-listed differences, we are sure you will be able to make a better decision. If you are looking forward to developing large, complex applications with ease of development, we recommend you invest your time and energy into ReactJS. But, if you want to develop a simple application with easy integration, go for VueJS.

Also, Vue is a self-hosted framework, while React requires using external libraries.

Both the developing tools are quite popular and comprise advanced features that aid in the web development process. Compare and choose the one that fulfills your business needs.

If you want to learn how to use web framework and develop applications, join the fullstack development course.

Also Read: Top React Developer Tools for Software Developers in 2022