“Spotlinks, the official “middle man” app of links, soon available on the Apple App Store and the Android Market”

Spotlinks offers to their users a unique platform which gathers in one single app all the various links of today’s social networks. Focus and exchange your web page/ social networks / contact details in one application, by “spotting” people around you and all over the world. Make yourself visible at any moment, prevail and encourage curiosity!

I’m really starting to like all of the new social media tools that are coming out lately. It’s nice to see that people care about communication, but it’s even nicer to see how it all can come together in one neat application. It’s one thing to “hide” behind multiple social networking sites, but it’s another to be open about it and to be open about with other people.

I can really see Spotlinks solving a couple of issues on the market for business people who might sometimes think that they’re not worthy of gaining attention from more influential people like bloggers and business owners.


To date, a multitude of social networks have appeared, Spotlinks offers their users a unique platform which allows you to exchange all those links, with people all around the world swiftly and easily.

Spotlinks is essentially going to become a tool where you will connect all of your social media ties in one place, and then use all of that data to connect with other like-minded people. I’d assume that the algorithm, if done right, will be really great for discovering previous unknown people who you might want to partake joint ventures with, for example.

The app is pretty new, and still in beta – so we shouldn’t make any decision as of now. We should however hope that more information begins to flood in, as I myself would love to see some progress and perhaps even see who are the people who will be using this new and neat social networking application.

[button color=”green” size=”medium” align=”none” style=”round” target=”_blank” link=”https://www.facebook.com/spotlinksapp” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”]Spotlinks @ Facebook[/button] [button color=”blue” size=”medium” align=”none” style=”round” target=”_blank” link=”https://twitter.com/Spotlinksapp” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”]Spotlinks @ Twitter[/button] [button color=”pink” size=”medium” align=”none” style=”round” target=”_blank” link=”http://dribbble.com/perfect/projects/157132-Spotlinks” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”]Spotlinks @ Dribble[/button]

It appears that Spotlinks does have a press kit in place, and I was able to gain a little bit more information.

MANCHESTER – December 28, 2013 – Available on the 04/02/2014, the app Spotlinks, gathers together; on one platform, any links that our users would like to exchange by “spotting” people around them anywhere in the world. Whether you’re on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Foursquare, Instagram etc., Spotlinks is the middleman app for social networking.

Master your networks, this slogan describes exactly what you will achieve with our app. When you enter our app we direct you instantly to the profile page. Once on the profile page we lead our users to ‘add links’ to the profile. When the links are added, by clicking on our logo, a result page will appear incorporating users within a vicinity of either 100 m, 1km, 10km, 50km, or 100km.

You may also spot people around the world by entering the spot menu. When a user spot a profile which interests them. The second party gets a ‘Push Notification’ informing them that they have been spotted.

The party can choose to accept or not. If the profile is accepted, it is saved into their spots and they may now exchange all of their links. Our users will have complete control of the networks including information they may wish to interchange and with whom. All interactions are either stocked in the ‘spot menu’ for people spotted or in the favorites menu for important spots, and exchanged messages will be guarded on our personal IM.

One can truly see the potential of Spotlinks, master your networks.

“You might be or not be on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram or Foursquare but anyone who is active on social networks and smartphones will need Spotlinks”

The reason? For the simple fact that we create interactions and exchanges the easy way with Spotlinks!

The app is available worldwide and is completely free.

That clears it up a little bit. We can expect the tool to launch very soon!