Apple has launched the new iOS 8 version, and it has turned out to be a massive hit. Many online magazines are saying that the new operating system is more about behind the scenes interaction, than lets say – being focused solely on the way it looks visually.

You’ll find many developers, journalists and even some geeks talking about how Android is better than iOS in so many ways, and vice versa. I was pleased to find that there have been some people already covering the subject, of how iOS8 stands against Android. The latest mobile market share data seems to suggest that both operating systems are tied very closely together.

I did a little bit of research, and it occurred to me that not only are mobile app developers in great demand, they’re also earning as much as $110,000 every year. And, I feel like this market has only started to grow. Mobile has been the topic of the year for many companies, and individuals.

Read More: – How to Improve iOS Mobile App User Engagement

Learn iOS8 App Development

I’m going to use this opportunity to plug one of my recent posts, that will take you through the ins and outs of both Swift (new programming language from Apple), and iOS8. By the end of all the lectures (takes around six weeks to complete) you’ll have enough experience to land freelance jobs, or to build your app based business.

Essential Apps to Increase Productivity of an iOS Developer

I’ve just come across a great slideshow that was built by a guy named Ievgen Salo, in his slideshow – he goes through many essential, useful and handy apps and tools that any iOS developer can take a look at. The compilation of apps is not limited to any particular version of the operating system, and rather the apps are focused on the bigger picture.

Applications that will help to increase productivity of a mobile developer. In the slides you can find tools which help you reduce the development time, starting from design of mobile applications to debugging and networking.

You’ll notice that the 3rd slide features a book – The Passionate Programmer: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development – that’s written by Chad Fowler. The book was written with programmers in mind, but it’s not to say that an app developer is not a programmer. You’ll learn how to become a better employee, a better programmer, and generally a better person.

The slideshow features many traditional apps like Git, but also includes things like snippet managers (Dash, Codebox) – something that not many programmers and iOS developers might be taking advantage of, but should you? You get tons of apps that are related to design, networking, and even common simplicity. I also enjoyed the Useful Links slide at the very end, some great links in there and be sure to check them out!

I’ll try and get Ievgen to join this conversation, but if you could add one more app that’s somehow related to productivity – which one would it be? I would love to compile something bigger and better if we can get enough suggestions!