Did you know that the Internet is used by more than 25 million users on a daily basis? Such a huge space bringing together so many people from all over the world carries numerous risks. More and more can be heard about fraud, scamming, adopting false identities, online hate speech, publishing and mocking people. It turns out that anything can currently be done on the Internet, and what’s worst – it can’t be stopped. Experienced hackers with unique and surprising skills can steal all kinds of data from our computers and find out who we are. Scary, isn’t it? The only thing we can do is to somehow protect ourselves from the threats in question, for example, through anonymization. What does it involve? Read more.

What is anonymization?

Anonymization involves masking sensitive personal data, information that would enable the identification of a person. Back to the main topic of the article, facial anonymization involves blurring people’s faces, making them unrecognizable. Anonymization is used just as often to cover up license plates, entire figures or vehicles. This procedure has full compliance with the requirements of GDPR, which is supposed to protect the image of individuals. Gallio.pro is a special and professional software for automatic anonymization of photos and videos.

When is anonymization of photos and videos useful?

Anonymization of photos and videos is particularly useful when you want to publish a given photo or video that includes bystanders, vehicles or specific license plates. Especially if the video is to be publicized, uploaded to the Internet. According to the regulations of GDPR, the use of someone’s image is punishable, so you should pay special attention to the content you share. The penalty for violating the terms of GDPR is as much as 300 million euros in total! The larger companies pay the most for their mistakes, the ones that have shared content without noticing the secondary items, vehicles, people and other sensitive data that can identify a person. Specialized software helps to automatically obfuscate the elements necessary to blur and save you from incurring a significant financial penalty.

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