Scrollback  beautiful micro forums for open communities.

I remember back in the day, when nobody knew of other chat client other than mIRC. It was a beautiful time to be a part of the web, as most of the discussions and revelations happened exactly on mIRC. Scrollback is taking IRC to the public, and instead of competing with it – it allows to integrate your own IRC channel within it’s platform.

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It’s incredibly easy to use, and all you have to do is create a personal room to get an unique ID and then integrate a JavaScript code in your header files of your blog or website, or whatever it is that you use for displaying web content! Scrollback is a modern, beautifully designed platform for open communities to converse. It combines the lessons learned from IRC with the ease-of-use of an embeddable web app and the power of a cloud hosted service.

You can read the documentation here, and the full GitHub page here.

It’s a lovely project, and I wish the team all of the best. I’d use it on my blog, but I’m not into live chat thingies and frankly it would just bother me most of the time.