There is a market for everything, and that includes email clients. Email market is more than just another market. It’s for a lot of us, the foundation of the web. I’ve been an email user ever since I can remember, and some of my email accounts have had up to 3,000 emails in them – before I decided to pull the plug.
Though, one thing has always been on the stand out – the email client I use. For what seems over 8 years of web browsing now, I have always trusted Gmail as my one-stop email solution, and apart from having my own email inbox on my web-server – it has been my only email client choice, I’d like to believe that millions of other people share the same tendency.
Webmasters have it most difficult, because we need to come up with email marketing strategies and take into consideration what works and what doesn’t, and that is where analysis, surveys and data comes into play – to help us make the right decisions and maximize our earning potential through email lists / channels.
You might have the data, but it won’t mean you don’t need to follow a couple of rules (read: shortcuts) to really make the marketing efforts work. The web grew, and we quickly moved on from traditional word of mouth promotion (which for the most part, happened on online communities), to promotion through email.
Gmail rolled out new “Inbox Tabs”, that were specifically designed to target the massive amounts of promotions that people signup for, and never really bother to unsubscribe from.
You might not realize it (this infographic will enlighten you), but email marketing while pretty new for many – is already heavily being used on mobile devices, one of the many reasons why your business should move to mobile.
Apple’s very own iOS – dominates a whopping 26% of the email client market. I’d bet that some of the engineers over at Google would do stupid things, to get a slice of that cake, would you agree?
Gmail might have changed it’s looks, but the email open-rate increased by 50% in 2013, that is actually really good and should make many email marketing specialists happy to hear. Analysis like in this infographic, require time and resources to put together – so it’s a privilege to have such content as this, available for free.
Related: Top 5 Tools for Content Marketing Analytics & Tracking
What do you think of the future of email marketing, and do you like what you see? Are you surprised that Outlook is still so popular all around the world?