Writing Tips for Beginners

Those who are just dipping their toe into the freelance writing world quickly come to the conclusion that it is not as easy as they thought. Sure, they may have something to write, but freelancing also involves readers and clients. There a myriad of options and different avenues to pursue. Writers are often hit with paralysis as they try to navigate freelancing waters, often settling for assignments that are either not interesting to them or doesn’t bring out their best effort. However, there are some tips, tactics and strategies that freelance newbie’s can use to get them to where they want to go right from the start.

While some articles and publications do require you to have demonstrated a certain degree of knowledge and understanding in a subject matter, the truth is that most of them are not too worried about your qualifications. What matters is the quality of the work you are putting out. Therefore, your ability to convey ideas, wordsmithing, and storytelling is what readers and publishers are really looking for. While it may be nice to hold a Masters in Fine Arts, it is more important (at least in this case) to demonstrate your skills in this craft.

Freelance Writing

Writing is both a craft and an art form, and in both worlds there exists a tradition of mentorship. While a lot of people want to go the solo route and do it alone, finding and learning from a mentor is a great way to speed up the process. Mentors hold a wealth of knowledge and industry contacts. These experienced individuals have run the gamut themselves and can let you know of what to expect and the pitfalls that you may encounter along the way. Furthermore, they may be able to put you in touch with editors or point to you amazing writing gigs.

New freelancers will often fall into the trap of taking odd writing jobs to get themselves started, and there is truth to this…to an extent. However, when someone who is new to industry should be focusing on is not just the next assignment, but the big picture of where they eventually want to land. Each article should succeed the previous both in terms of quality and content. This approach will allow the writer to build a body of work that is not just significant, but is also definitive. When faced with your clippings, the editor should be able to quickly tell where you want your writing to go.

Read More: Best Writing Tools for Bloggers and Content Writers

A great way of attracting an audience and clients is by becoming an expert at something. In this context, an expert is not just someone who knows just a bit more than their readers, but knows the ins and outs of a subject, from its history to the latest breaking news. An expert is not just someone who knows the subject intimately, but also its key players. Claiming expertise in a niche means that you will become a go-to source for both readers and media outlets. The beauty is that instead of going out there trying to market your articles, the industry will be coming to you.

These days the challenge does not lie in finding interesting things to talk about. In fact, with so much going on in the world and the universe today there are literally hundreds to thousands of topics that will garner attention. However, the real challenge is in retaining that interest and attention. It is therefore crucial not just to write about something interesting, but also write it in an interesting way. Be different. Be unique. Make your story or article stand out from the rest. Doing so will make it stay longer in the minds of your readers and your name in the minds of your clients.

Must Look:- Tools For Freelance Writers

Speaking of clients, remember that freelance writing is as much business as it is art. Many writers choose to neglect this fact, and just want to “focus on their art”. But, the truth is that their “art” has worth and a monetary value is attached to it. Treat freelance writing as business and it will be a sure path to success both as an art form and as an entrepreneurial venture. Become a writer that not only delivers high quality material but also a great business experience. Make it a breeze to deal with you. Hammer out details with your client and do your best to leave nothing to chance. Set realistic expectations and remain in constant contact with them.

Finally, be genuine and be honest in your writing. Readers, editors, publishers and clients have seen countless pieces of writing in their day and they know when some funny business is afoot. Writing not only puts your skills to the test, but it also puts your reputation on the line. Write with integrity and you can never go wrong. If you are looking freelance writer for complete your assignment, then you can choose customwritings.com freelance writing service which produces unique custom written papers.