3 Undeniable Advantages of Having a Mobile-Ready Website

It’s 2014 – children at the age of eight have more understanding of the technological World, than any senior citizen of the planet will ever bother to accumulate. That being said, most of the newer generation internet users are being taught to use the web through their mobile devices. Undeniably, children (of all ages) right now, are the next generation of customers.

Mobile-ready websites is nothing new, in fact, it’s something that has been around for many, many years. Unfortunately, only now are business owners and independent webmasters realizing the benefit of having a website that serves both desktop, and mobile device users.

You could try and rely on a high-quality web hosting company, which can offer premium quality services for an increased price – among which, you might find services like mobile website editors, or pre-built templates for mobile websites. In practice, the best solution seems to be to hire a separate developer to do the job for you. (or, have the current developer, adapt to the needs of a mobile website.)

3 Undeniable Advantages of Having a Mobile-Ready Website

I wrote about the importance of mobile website optimization a few months ago, and then I was mostly focusing on the broader picture of why everyone should consider adapting to the needs of mobile devices. As the time goes, and more resources and information becomes available, the arguments against something like mobile optimization tend to change.

We’re going to look at the absolute advantages of utilizing a mobile-ready website to serve your clients, customers and simply any other mobile device user who might come across your website, be it personal or for business purposes.

Mobile Websites Require Less Time to Complete Actions

I’m not saying you should, but you can easily compare Mobile vs. Desktop, the same way you would compare having a remote for your television, versus having to manually change each and every channel. Mobile websites tend to get straight to the point, of whatever nature is that which you want to do. This is especially good for businesses that sell goods through their business website.

Mobile Websites Require Less Time to Complete Actions


The difference is significant, and I’m sure you’ve experienced both of these type of websites, while browsing the web using your mobile phone. A website that doesn’t support mobile devices is usually going to be very annoying to browse, especially when it comes to accessing certain parts of the website. Zooming in and out, only to see what you’re accessing – it puts a strain on the website visitors concentration and focus. And, of course, a dent in your sales report.

You can read through this recent blog publication by the MSDN network, in which there are a couple of examples of how the latest mobile web technology can provide a much more transparent browsing experience. And while it does focus on Internet Explorer, it provides good snapshots of how much more efficient it is to browse the internet when a website has mobile functionality.

Pleasant Browsing Experience Leads to Word of Mouth

Billions of humans are equipped with smartphones, and mobile devices that are capable of rendering a website that’s built with mobile in mind. These days, a lot of marketing happens through the word of mouth – which usually happens when another person has experienced a pleasant experience of your website and/or business.

Pleasant Browsing Experience Leads to Word of Mouth

By letting someone to shop, read and browse freely and seamlessly on your web page, you’re enabling this person to think highly of your page, and in turn he is more than likely to recommend you to other potential customers. Where as, if you’d stick to old tricks – you’re more than likely to annoy your visitors with full web pages, that lead to less attention and praise.

It’s Simply Good for Your Business

Anyone who owns a smartphone, visits a website through his phone at least a couple of times per week, and that number is surely to grow over the coming years. If you’ve got your priorities straight and a functioning business plan in place, perhaps it is time to consider an upgrade for your web pages.

Getting started is not as difficult as it might seem, and as I mentioned at the beginning of the article – you could either push your current developer, or hire a new one. It’s all up to you. I’ve tried to cover the absolute essence of a mobile-ready website, and just how beneficial it can prove to be.

You can bet that these days, people are actually concsious of the evolution of the web and do say to themselves – ‘Oh no! This website is not mobile ready, this will take a while to wander through!’, or perhaps, they will simply choose to leave and find something that’s easier to navigate.