Everyone was stunned with the Facebook Ad Guidelines to prevent the user’s data from the third party sources, for instance, Acxiom and Experian. We came across incidents with Cambridge Analytica, where people started pointing fingers on Facebook. But the question arises, What will be the next step? Especially when it is permanent. They will still collaborate with companies like Acxiom and Experian, but only for analytics and improving the user experience. So, if you want to advertise on Facebook, be ready for some more changes.

Ad creation was followed by 3 simple steps, before the launch of Facebook’s new policy and there were as follows:-

  • Facebook Data- this option is based on user activities and information on the profile
  • Advertiser data- this option is based on the customers on your website or the information like their mail ids.
  • Data from the third party- Information stored in databases from the websites such as Experian, they collect personal information such as credit card activities.

According to the new policy, you can now choose one option either Facebook Data or Advertiser data.
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Why is Facebook removing the third party? Facebook Ad Guidelines

Well, this one is pretty obvious, right? Due to the Cambridge Analytica scandal, people lost trust in Facebook, they no longer feel safe, in conveying their personal information.

The other reason is GDPR or the General Data Protection. GDPR is a European Union law on data protection. It guarantees privacy for all the individuals from EU. Basically, this new law will protect and control personal data and will be implemented from 25th May 2018. It will apply to all the companies regardless of their location. Anyone who violates this law will be fined up to 4 percent of global revenue.

Changes in the policy

This question brought a lot of confusion in the marketing world. Probably, the biggest reason for that confusion is Facebook’s orientation to “Partner Categories” in its statement. Advertisers are still able to request data from merchants like Data Cloud, Epsilon, Acxiom, and Experian. They are categorized as “Partner Categories by Request”.
However, this option will disappear eventually. This is just a temporary solution for the advertisers because half of Facebook’s 1,200 targeting criteria is generated from the third party data.

Is this the end of Facebook advertising?

Each changing trend leaves behind its unwanted significance, and people coming across such trends stay in the misconception that advertising will no longer be the same. Which is not true in all the cases. In such situation, Do not panic and try to give your best in understanding the new policies. This is actually a great opportunity for advertisers. Even if you depend only on third-party targeting, you have a chance to improve your strategy.

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You can narrow down your targeting demographics. With this strategy, your ad will be visible to only them who are interested in your products or services. You can still use all the available information on the Facebook. The only thing you have to do is put little extra effort in it. What can be the next step? As a marketer, you already know that you must follow the trends and keep yourself updated to take the further step.

The strategy of marketers with the new Facebook changes

1. First, you should reach the audiences through research
Dependencies on third party data may not be trustworthy. Especially if you have a big audience. Third party targeting will have flaws and researching won’t be as detailed as it could be if you do it by yourself.

global share facebook ad guidelines

With creating a new strategy based on well-researched data will bring much more success to your campaign than collecting data through the third party. You can also divide the audience into groups based on their activity on the website which means it will give you improved chances for better conversions. This is very effective and influential strategy. Creating unique audiences is not very easy, and it demands a lot of effort, but if done correctly it will be a huge success.

2. Utilize your own data
You must know your audience. If you understand their behavior and needs, you will have much more success with advertising. Create the best possible content on your website that can gain audience trust. With audience engagement, comments and overall behavior you should have useful information on your website and a bigger picture of what your audience want.

The Facebook advertising is far from being over. As marketers or just marketing enthusiasts, we have to grow and we must change all the time. This new change will force everyone to start practicing different strategies. But, if you do this correctly and if you understand what to do next, your business will be even more successful than it was before. Just be patient and analyze market more deeply.