6 Habits of a Happy Node 785X391

Node.js is one of the best frameworks that you can use in the creation of web apps. A happy Node.js hacker will be the one enjoying improved Node.js app performance as well as being more productive when it comes to use of Node.js in the creation of applications. This can easily be achieved if you know what to do at each stage of your application development. However, for this to occur it is important for the hacker to understand their way around the framework, so that with the right tips and tricks, it becomes much easier to meet the final goals.

We have covered many posts on Node.js here on Codecondo like its frameworks and IDEs which are very helpful for web developers and are most liked and shared. Today we are going to check out some habits you should adopt if you want to be a happy Node.js hacker: –

1. Always Cluster your applications

Wastage of resources is something you will experience when you deploy a non-clustered node application on a large server. This is mainly because Node.js runtime is usually limited to one CPU core, which has about 1.5 GB of memory. You can change all this, by manipulating the multiple CPU cores and any other memory above what is provided in order to cluster your applications. You can do this by baking cluster support on your apps. Cluster comes with a lot of other benefits that you will enjoy as an app developer. On those days that you will be running a single process on a small hardware for instance, cluster can enable you to move beyond rigidity.

You may not know the appropriate amount of clustered processes for your applications though, but you can apply testing for this. However, it is always recommended that you should begin with the defaults that have been made available by your platform, then you can opt for a simple fall back. For process management, opt for cluster abstraction and separate your worker and master files. Throng can also help here, should you prefer the use of a single entry point file and function.

2. Begin each project with Node Package Manager’s init

The Node Package Manager is where you begin when creating an application, as it is able to position modules accurately so that node can locate them and manage the dependencies with ease. It is essential to understand this before you create a new project. The npm’s init command is the best tool to use when creating the framework for the package.json that should be utilized for a project. This is because it will save you the time and effort needed to install dependences, which your project will require for the purposes of management. There are select properties that this command is able to draw out from any working directory.

You should also note that dependencies are not installed when you are using package.json, and you will therefore need to have packages available that can be installed to improve the functionality of your applications.

3. Lowercase Files

When you are working with node.js, there is no need to complicate the way that you label your files while developing applications. Node.js can be used across platforms, so rather than trying to remember which letters are lower case and upper case, keep everything simple and use only lowercase. This will save you from having to remember exact statements or filenames that need to match when you are using different platforms. Windows and OSX do not have any problems treating uppercase and lowercase file names in the same way, however, if you are using Linux, you will find that the smallest difference will affect your ability to use node.js successfully.

4. Be Careful with GIT

When you create an app, you will find that you use files which are necessary for the app to function, and that there are files which are generated automatically as a result of your efforts. These files that are generated are for the most part unnecessary, meaning that they contribute towards the noise that is within the app. When they begin to pile up in your app, the app becomes less portable as the overall environment is affected.

You should use a source control system like GIT to ensure that your app operates at an optimal level, though you need to be careful about the files that are traced. Stop the system from tracking any file that has been automatically generated and it will perform at its optimum levels.

5. Start using ES6

To be a happy web developer, you need to be able to use all the available features that you can get in the creation of great apps. This is why the latest packages with the most recent updates should be your goal. Node 4+, which is a currently the latest and best version of the Node.js framework has the updated V8 engine. This engine is equipped with amazing ES6 features. There are those features that are easy to master and simple to use but there are also the complicated ones as well. Practice and patience is all that is needed to master how these features work, so as to elevate the entire experience of using Node.js for developing an application.

6. Always be aware of your environment

A smart hacker will be aware of his environment and also be able to take advantage of what the environment is offering. Config files for example often result in litter which affects app development. It would be better to focus on variable files which are environment specific.

You can do this by following these steps: –

  • Install node-foreman
  • After this, you should specify the process types for your app by creating a Procfile
  • Once done you can begin your app with the nf binary

The best way to get around the complexities of Node.js and guarantee that you enjoy working with it is to develop hacking habits that act as short-cuts to transform your experience. These six habits are geared towards allowing you to get the most out of the best web development framework. They are also simple so if you are just starting out, you will be able to apply them with ease.